Durla Star System's lone existing planet, referred to as Durla in the DC comics, was once a high-end civilized planet that came to an end when the Six Minute War took place. The war almost destroyed half the population until the remaining ones gained shapeshifting abilities.
Created by Jim Moorey and Jerry Siegel, Durla first appeared in the Action Comics V1 #267 in 1960. Now, DC fans are looking forward to learning more about the planet's origins. So, without further ado, let's explore it.
DC's planet Durla: How did it originate and who lives there?

Durla came into existence centuries ago during the time of the Roman Empire in the pages of DC comics. However, the usage of nuclear weapons during the Six Minute War ended the entire civilization of the planet. The buildings were destroyed, leaving a few survivors and a flat planet. Since then, it has been the home planet to the shapeshifting alien race. Being the central hub for space routes, the planet has also become important to the United Planets.
The race found on the planet Durla, known as Durlans, find ease in survival because of their shapeshifting factor. They also have the ability to stretch themselves even if they are in solid form. Furthermore, their enhanced senses let them hear and smell distant things that a normal human can't. Whenever they take the form of anyone, they can even modify their vocal chords to match the sound of the person or animal.
The survivors tried to bring their civilization back, but the radiation had already taken over their lives by the time they got around it. They did not have any memories of the past, and were hence unable to recall what their people used to look like.
Durlans strictly followed the rule of not allowing any outsider to enter their planet, or no one from the planet could leave. Besides Durlan, two more species were born out of the nuclear war. Certain futuristic Durlans had a humanoid shape, red skin, and big teeth. The second species had orange skin and were said to be the machinations of Brainiac.

An episode of the live-action series Supergirl sees Olivia Marsdin (portrayed by Lynda Carter) as an inhabitant of Durla. She lived on the planet until the arrival of the intruders, and then escaped to Earth. Her shapeshifting abilities helped her disguise herself as a human so she would not be identified. While residing on Earth, she started a career in politics, and soon became the President of the United States.
The planet was also mentioned in an episode of Legion of Superheroes, an American animated series. Imperiex, the warlord from the 41st Century, had his eyes on Durla as he wanted to invade the planet. However, he couldn't do anything because the young superheroes stepped forward and protected the planet.