The popular CW show Superman & Lois is a lot different from other superhero media. Instead of primarily focusing on Superman’s superhero antics, the show spreads its screen time evenly with every member of the Kent family.
The CW series teamed up with DC comics and released a comic series that showcases the humble origins of the power couple, Superman and Lois.
Titled Earth-Prime: Superman & Lois, the comic series takes place in Metropolis when the couple used to work for the acclaimed news company, Daily Planet. The comic series also brings to light new information about the couple and adds a rich backstory to their already strong character arcs, which will be adored by fans of the CW series.
Superman & Lois find it difficult to spend time with each other in Superman & Lois #2
Superman & Lois #2 begins with Clark narrating the tales of his young days to his kids, Jon and Jordan. The issue starts with Clark and Lois in their prime careers, with Lois as a hotshot journalist, while the world is dependent on Clark as Superman.
We get to see Superman don his early days costume, which is eerily similar to Fleischer’s animated shorts of the 1940s. Instead of the iconic red and yellow ‘S’ logo, it is depicted as black and red.
While Superman & Lois want to spend some time together for their first anniversary, they always get interrupted by conflicts. Be it Toyman who unleashes his mechanical monster, or a broken printing press. Clark and Lois handle the problems expertly, yet they still do not get to spend time with each other.
Superman is seen battling many noteworthy enemies like the intergalactic bounty hunter Lobo, who strangles the Man of Steel with chains made up of Kryptonite. As usual, Superman proves that he is stronger out of the two when he breaks the chains and escapes from the clutches of Lobo.
In one panel, Kal-El is also seen battling one of his arch-nemesis, Nuclear Man. Having first appeared in Superman 4: Quest for Peace, the shoddy villain of the final installment of Christopher Reeves' Superman can be seen in the same classic gold and black costume. The two adversaries go toe-to-toe as Superman tries to electrocute the villain in an epic homage to the movie.
The existence of villains like Nuclear Man and Lobo in the same universe as Superman & Lois is one of the most exciting news for the fans and promises a great deal for the future of the series. Finally, in a happy ending to issue #2, the couple are seen taking an impromptu break from their busy schedule as they spend their time on a Hawaiian beach.
DC has announced that Magog will make his debut in the sixth and final issue of Earth-Prime #6: Hero’s Twilight. The spectacular villain, who debuted in the 1996 Kingdom Come series, is set to clash with Man of Steel on June 21, 2022.