Blood Syndicate, a comic book series under DC’s Milestone Comics is officially making a comeback after 26 long years. A superhero gang different from traditional teams like Avengers and the Justice League ended its long haul in 1996.
The six-issue series was announced to return by Milestone Media co-founder Denys Cowan at the DC Fandome event in 2021.
Season One is written by Geoffrey Thorne, known for his work on Star Trek, Black Panther, and Green Lantern. It is illustrated by Chris Cross who worked on the original comic run, and other popular DC and Milestone titles along with Juan Castro. DC Comics dropped a new trailer for the series on their social media pages on April 3.
Milestone Comics' superhero team Blood Syndicate will resume its story as members reunite
Blood Syndicate ran from 1993 to 1996 in a series of 35 issues. It showcased heroes from different communities caught in the Milestone’s nexus event called the Big Bang, a radioactive catastrophe that took place during the gang war between rival gangs Paris Island Bloods and Force Syndicate.
The Big Bang killed many gang members but also created metahumans like the famous Static Shock and other Bang Babies. The remaining few members of the rival gangs who gained superpowers formed a coalition called Blood Syndicate, a superhero gang.
Unlike other superhero teams, the syndicate was dysfunctional with many in-team rivalries, which added good banter and a touch of realism. Led by Tech-9, the team consisted of Bang Babies like Brickhouse, Masquerade, Wise Son, Fade, Flashback, Holocaust, and others.
Members of the team signified Black, Hispanic, Asian, and diverse American populace. In the early 90’s, when mainstream comic book companies shied away from bold topics, the Milestone comic showcased LGBTQ+ characters in the series.
The comics tackled serious issues like mental illness and addictions. The comic series was groundbreaking in every aspect. In the series' return, members of Blood Syndicate, Wise Son and Tech-9, return to their hometown, the fictional city of Dakota, after their military tours in Afghanistan. The super-individuals decide to reunite after seeing their city in a devastated state.
The infamous Holocaust is forming his own rival gang by recruiting other Bang Babies to rule Dakota. Fans and new readers cannot wait to dive into the interesting premise.
Partner at Milestone Comics, Reggie Hudlin stated:
“Making Blood Syndicate the fourth pillar of this new Dakotaverse was just a matter of time. Holocaust’s recruitment of ‘Bang Babies’ in Static Season One was a big hint that we’d eventually address the impact of the ‘Big Bang’ on Paris Island.”
Blood Syndicate #1 has been released and is up for grabs on DC Universe Infinite for free. The six-issue series will officially be up for sale on the DC website and comic book stores from May 10, 2022.