Meena Dhawan's recent debut in CW's The Flash has received a lot of upvotes from fans. The show has been running for almost a decade now, and it's safe to say that it has impressed everybody with new characters and storylines every season.
Fans have come across nearly every speedster from the DC Universe throughout the CW show, whether it be Wally West or Bart Allen. The latest addition of Kausar Mohammed's Meena Dhawan to the list has made them even more excited about the future of the show.
Meena Dhawan's origin in the comics
In the comics, Meena Dhawan gained her powers through a Speed Force Storm that granted various citizens of the Central City super-speed. Many of the citizens who gained the powers were determined to use them for selfish purposes, but Dhawan decided to choose the right path by helping Flash (Barry Allen) calm the chaos.
Dhawan was a scientist at S.T.A.R. Labs before she got her powers and became Fast-Track. However, after the chaos ended, she continued to donate her genius as the director of the Speed Force testing center, where she learned and taught other speedsters to harness their abilities.
In CW's The Flash, Meena Dhawan was capable enough to create her own speed source to supply her with super-speed, which was a commendable invention by her, regardless of the duration her powers stayed with her, which was only a few minutes. It is evident that Dhawan intends to use her powers for good, and as Barry has agreed to mentor her, we might be seeing more of her adventures with Team Flash after all.
Meena Dhawan's power set in the comics (and the show)
In the comics, Meena Dhawan obtained a remarkable set of powers through the Speed Force, including:
Speed Force/Negative Speed Force Conduit
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Stamina
Speed Force Aura
Superhuman Durability
Speed Force Absorption
Enhanced Senses
Vortex Creations
Speed Force Sense
Molecular Acceleration
Dhawan's super-speed was enough for her to keep up with the Scarlet Speedster himself, and with abilities like her genius-level intellect and extreme scientific knowledge, she was a tough competition for Barry. She could also phase through objects by shifting and vibrating her molecules, just like him.
In the show, Dhawan seems to have super-speed as well as electrokinesis, which provides her with the ability to shoot lightning through her body. However, there is a definite possibility of her power-set increasing in the future, given she is here to stay for long. She also seems to have a Negative Speed Force Conduit, just like her counterpart in the comics. And fans know that this particular ability will be pretty interesting to fully witness on the show.
CW's The Flash will be airing new episodes every Wednesday till the fans get to witness the finale of a very successful Season 8. Until that happens, we suggest you keep rewatching every episode of this season because a lot has happened, and no matter how many times you watch it, you will experience the same amount of fun.