Shogun, the historical fiction series on FX and Hulu, released its fourth episode on March 12, 2024. The episode features protagonist John Blackthorne trying natto for the first time. The scene shows John curious about the food the ladies are having. They offer him to try some, but he is warned against it by Mariko.
For the uninitiated, Shogun is a 2024 adaptation of James Clavell’s book of the same name, which also has a 1980 miniseries. Premiering on February 27, 2024, the miniseries has ten episodes and will end on April 23, 2024.
The story's premise is set between the 16th and 17th centuries when English sailor John Blackthorne lands in Japan due to a shipwreck. He encounters a powerful daimyo, Lord Toranaga, and his loyal samurai, Lady Mariko.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers. Reader’s discretion is advisable.
Why did Lady Mariko warn John Blackthorne about eating natto in Shogun episode 4?
The last scene in the fourth episode of Shogun shows John sitting down to his meal with Lady Mariko and Lady Fuji, who seem to be eating a different dish than what he was served. He notices both ladies mixing some beans in their bowls. He realizes that he was not served that dish and expresses his desire to try it.
In answer to his request, Lady Mariko warns him that it may not be for him. Despite the warning, John tries the beans. Initially hesitant due to their texture and slimy appearance, he eats some and seems to enjoy them.
While Lady Mariko’s cryptic statement, “This may not be for you,” may seem loaded with inner meaning, the warning is simple. Natto is known to have a strong flavor and is an acquired taste. Not all Japanese like natto, either. John, being a European, was expected to find the dish unpalatable. Hence, the warning.
What is the natto shown in Shogun episode 4?
Natto is a Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans. It has a strong taste, a pungent odor, and a slimy and sticky texture. Though an acquired taste, almost 70% of Japanese people like it, according to a 2009 survey.
The dish is often served with rice and toppings or garnishes. Few non-Japanese people prefer the taste of natto, so it is not offered to them, which is why it was not served to John Blackthorne. Mariko's warning would sound confusing to viewers with no knowledge about natto.
To clarify, eating natto has no religious, gender-specific, or cultural role. It is simply based on preference. As mentioned before, being a new food item with a notorious smell and texture, John’s hosts assumed he would not be able to consume it.
What does John’s eating natto mean?
As shown in Shogun, John is a European on Japanese soil and completely new to the local culture. While liked and accepted by his hosts, he is nevertheless seen as an outsider. As such, John wants to try natto out of curiosity and is suitably warned against it.
However, in Shogun episode 4, John eats a mouthful after a slight hesitation. He even tries to appreciate the foreign food. This invites amused looks from both ladies, who are apprehensive about his reaction to this Japanese dish.
His move to try the foreign food and attempt to enjoy it has a dual significance. First, it would earn him the trust of Lady Fuji and Lady Mariko, and they would be ready to offer him support when he needed it.
On the other hand, the move signifies that John is opening up to Japanese culture and life and will be more prepared to adapt to his newly found land. The openness presented in this scene is the foundation for the role that John Blackthorne will play in the future of Shogun culture.
What else happened in Shogun episode 4?
The fourth episode of Shogun, The Eightfold Fence, was dedicated to the late crew member Larry Beckett, technical advisor and cannon expert. The episode saw Lord Toranaga depart for Edo while John was offered the job of training Yabushige’s army on European combat techniques for six months. In return, he got a salary, a home, and Lady Usami Fuji as consort.
While John started the training, Yabushige was advised by his nephew Kashigi to take advantage of Toranaga’s absence and offer confiscated guns and cannons to Ishido. When Ishido sent his aide, Nebara Jozen, to get Yabushige to Osaka, Yabushige realized he would be killed if he went.
He, in turn, asked Jozen to stay the night and watch cannon demonstrations the next day. However, at the demonstration, Nagakado killed Jozen and his entourage using chain shots from the cannons. This will likely cause trouble between Yabushige and Ishido in the upcoming episodes.
Watch Shogun episode 5, Broken to the Fist, which will air on Hulu and FX on March 19, 2024.