Asphalt City is a captivating and intense thriller that is set to release on March 29, 2024. The movie is directed by Jean-Stephane Sauvaire, who has previously directed A Prayer Before Dawn and Mission: Blacklist.
It was filmed in New York and revolves around a young paramedic named Ollie Cross, who joins the night shift and is teamed up with Gene Rutkovsky, an experienced paramedic. Their job is to respond to 911 calls during their risky night shifts, which eventually exposes them to dark corners and dangerous situations.
The film has attempted to give an unfiltered view of the high crime rates, homelessness and widespread drug use in the city. Each emergency call the duo attends is filled with danger and moral dilemmas that test Ollie's ideals and his understanding of the actual meaning of saving lives. The narrative keeps switching between stressful experiences of emergency medical situations and touching moments of human connection.
Where was Asphalt City 2024 filmed?
The movie was primarily filmed in New York City, New York, USA. Many scenes have been captured in and around the buzzing city, featuring its bustling streets and urban landscape.
The movie specifically features the fire department of New York City (FDNY), which is the largest department in the United States, with several interior and exterior shots of the same in the film.
Who is in the cast and crew of Asphalt City?
The American thriller drama features a talented cast. Sean Penn portrays the role of Gene Rutkovsky, and Tye Sheridan plays the lead role of Ollie Cross. Katherine Waterson plays the role of Nancy, while Mike Tyson portrays Chief Burroughs. Raquel Nave appears as Clara, Kali Reis portrays Nia, and Shelly Burrell portrays Dr towers.
Actors Gbenga Akinnagbe and Michael Pitt also feature in the movie as Verdis and Lafontaine. The additional cast includes Ramon Aleman, Jagan Badvel, George W. Contreras, Jamie Cooper, Jagruti Deshmukh, Daniele Foote, Donna Glaesener, Decanter James, and Tanzeel Kayani.
The crew of the movie includes director Jean-Stephane Sauvaire, and producers Warren Goz, Eric Gold, Christopher Kopp, Lucan Toh, Sean Penn, John Ira Palmer, John Wildermuth, Tye Sheridan and Tina Wang. Other crew members are Saar Klein, Katherine McQuerrey, David Ryan King, Ryan King and Ben Mac Brown. The music of the movie is credited to Nicolas Becker and Quentin Sirjacq.
Asphalt City hits screens on March 29, 2024.