Heart of the Hunter is a suspense thriller set to release on Netflix on March 29, 2024. The film, directed by Mandlankayise Dube (known for Silverton Siege), is adapted from the critically acclaimed novel of the same name by South African author Deon Meyer.
The film has a suspenseful plot that takes a close look at post-apartheid politics in South Africa. Heart of the Hunter's protagonist embarks on a mission to save his family but gets embroiled in a corrupt political game in the process. The official synopsis, as per Netflix, reads:
"Bonko Khoza leads as Zuko Khumalo, an unassuming family man with a deadly past. His tranquil world is abruptly turned upside down when an old colleague calls on him to honour an oath he made, and save the country from venal political interests. The tension ratchets up when he resists being pulled back into his previous life, but it becomes clear that it poses a deadly threat to his domestic ambitions and the peaceful family life he holds so dear."
Set in the extravagant heartland of South Africa, Heart of the Hunter features some exquisite locations, as seen in the trailer for the film. Thus, interested viewers are keen to find out some of the prominent filing locations of Heart of the Hunter.
Filming locations of the Netflix film Heart of the Hunter explored
Heart of the Hunter is quintessentially a South African film, that focuses on the protagonist as he makes his way across different regions of the country on a quest to save his nation from corrupt political interest. Filming began back in June 2022 and continued till 2023. Cinematographer Trevor Calverley headed the filming crew, and they made use of various locations in South Africa to shoot the movie.
1) Cape Town, South Africa
The legislative capital of the nation, Cape Town is a sprawling South African center. The port city features a busy urban locale in the backdrop of a beautiful mountain range, overlooking the Atlantic ocean.
The Cape Town City Hall can be seen in the trailer for Heart of the Hunter. The honey-colored limestone building was built during the 1900s and features a clocktower too.
The V&A Waterfront is another Cape Town location prominently featured in the film. It is located in the oldest functional port in the Southern Hemisphere and also comprises a mall, featured in the backdrop of a scene from the trailer.
2) Louisvale Wines, South Africa
Located in Stellenbosch, Louisvale Wines is another prominent filming location that can be noticed in the trailer for the film. Stellenbosch is famous for its wine farms, historical buildings, and a scenic countryside view.
The huge glass backdrop and oddly shaped structures in white make this winery easily recognizable when watching the trailer. A snippet where Zuko Khumalo (Bonko Khoza) is dining, provides a look at the winery where the scene has been filmed.
3) Swartberg Mountains, South Africa
Swartberg is a mountain range located in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Two main mountain ranges that spread roughly east-west along the northern edge of the semi-arid Little Karoo, comprise the main ranges.
The Swartberg Mountains are prominently featured in the background of the film. The majority of scenes featuring the mountain and driving vistas are filmed close to the mountain range.
Heart of the Hunter is scheduled to premiere on Netflix on March 29, 2024.