3 Body Problem is a science-fiction television series that premiered on March 21, 2024 on Netflix. It is an official adaptation of the Chinese novel titled The Three-Body Problem by author Liu Cixin, which is the first one in The Remembrance of Earth's Past trilogy.
The Chinese novel gained critical acclaim in 2023 which led to its adaptation into the newly released Netflix series. The show was mainly shot in the UK, US, China, Brazil, Spain, Chile, and Panama.
The official synopsis of 3 Body Problem reads:
"A young woman’s fateful decision in 1960s China reverberates across space and time to a group of brilliant scientists in the present day. As the laws of nature unravel before their eyes five former colleagues reunite to confront the greatest threat in humanity’s history."
Created by David Benioff, D. B. Weiss, and Alexander Woo, the eight-episode series traverses sites across the Earth, jumping between different times and dimensions. Let's delve into the details of the filming locations used for bringing scenes from the acclaimed science-fiction book to life.
3 Body Problem: Shooting locations of Netflix series explored
At Netflix's Tudum 2022 event, Alexander Woo, David Benioff, and D. B. Weiss announced that principal photography for the first season of 3 Body Problem commenced in November 2021 and the production was completed by September 2022. It took almost a year to film the series since it involved shooting at multiple locations across the world.
United Kingdom
The primary filming site for 3 Body Problem was the UK. The majority of scenes were filmed in various cities including London, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, Portsmouth, Kent, Oxford, Sussex, and Bedfordshire, stated GQ Australia. Unfortunately, the exact locations where the cast and crew filmed in these cities remain unknown. The producers also utilized Scotland's scenic rolling hills to establish the scenic setting for the series.
The production also relied on special effects in order to make the narrative look compelling on-screen. Shepperton Studios, Surrey, England served as the major hub where some scenes were shot using special effects.
The United States
New York City's 405 E 45th Street was another major filming site for 3 Body Problem. Home to the UN headquarters, crucial parts of the season one finale were shot in the heart of NYC.
While Jacksonville Florida provided a great location for urban coastal settings, Hawthorne offered a tranquil atmosphere suitable for a few sequences in the series.
The expansive metropolis of São Paulo, a center of culture, commerce, and history, also served as a significant site for the Netflix series. Actors Benedict Wong, Alex Sharp, and John Bradley were spotted filming around the city.
Since the story is based on a Chinese book, the stunning backdrop of the great Himalayan range in Tibet, China was featured in the series to depict barren landscapes and a mystic atmosphere.
Shenzen and Hong Kong were among the other filming locations that captured the bustling Chinese cityscape.
Other Locations- Spain, Chile, and Panama
The makers of 3 Body Problem also showcased a plethora of landscapes across Spain, Panama, and Chile in the series. Along with cinematic shots of Spanish countryside, the lush rainforests and beaches of Panama and the rich heritage of Santiago (capital city of Chile) added to the rich visual tapestry of the series.
All the episodes of 3 Body Problem are currently available for streaming on Netflix.