Kang the Conqueror is a supervillain who appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. He was created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby and first appeared in The Avengers #8 in 1964.
Kang is a time-traveling conqueror from the 30th century who uses advanced technology to dominate different eras of the Marvel Universe. He is also known by other aliases such as Rama-Tut, Immortus, and Scarlet Centurion, which represent different versions of him from different points in time.
Kang's vast intellect and strategic thinking allow him to plan and execute complex schemes that challenge even the most powerful heroes. His ability to travel through time and across alternate dimensions makes him virtually impossible to predict, as he can appear at any point in history and disrupt the timeline.
Despite his formidable presence, Kang has seemingly been killed or removed from the timeline on multiple occasions, leaving fans to speculate about his ultimate fate. We will explore different instances where Kang has met his demise or been erased from existence, providing a comprehensive analysis of death in comics.
Kang The Conqueror is killed multiple times in comics
Kang The Conqueror has been killed and defeated by different heroes and teams in different storylines in comics. The examples mentioned below stand out as particularly noteworthy and compelling.

In Unstoppable Wasp #2 (December 2018) - Nadia Pym, the genetically-modified daughter of Hank Pym, kills Kang in a fight on an alternate timeline. In this storyline, Nadia and her team of fellow teenage superheroes traveled to a future timeline to prevent Kang from taking over the world. During their mission, they engaged in a fight with Kang, and Nadia ultimately defeated him.
Once again, in Fantastic Four #524 (August 2005), Kang The Conqueror tried to conquer the Earth and alternate reality versions of the Fantastic Four banded together to stop him. They eventually defeated Kang using a device created by the Cosmic-powered Reed Richards that sent Kang through multiple parallel realities, which caused him to be killed by every alternate version of himself he encountered.

In the "Avengers: The Children's Crusade" storyline, Kang the Conqueror is killed by his younger self, Iron Lad. From an alternate timeline where he witnessed his older self become a ruthless conqueror, he came back in time to prevent his future self from becoming Kang and managed to kill him.
Last but not least, Kang the Conqueror was killed in Avengers Forever #10. In this storyline, Rick Jones is brought together with a team of Avengers from different points in time to prevent the Time Keepers from destroying the universe.
One of the team members is a future version of Kang the Conqueror, who is seeking to use the power of the Time Keepers to become the ruler of all time.
In the final battle, the Avengers and Rick Jones were able to overload Kang's armor with energy, causing it to explode and apparently killing him in the process.
History of Kang The Conqueror
Kang's real name is Nathaniel Richards, and he is a descendant of Reed Richards (a.k.a. Mr. Fantastic of the Fantastic Four). He originally ruled over the futuristic kingdom of Chronopolis, but became bored with his power and sought to conquer other eras.
Throughout his appearances in Marvel Comics, Kang The Conqueror has been portrayed as a formidable foe for many superheroes, including the Avengers, the X-Men, and the Fantastic Four. He has used his advanced technology and knowledge of history to gain an advantage over his opponents, often manipulating events to ensure his victory.
Over time, Kang's backstory has become more complex and convoluted. He has been revealed to have multiple identities and aliases and is even depicted as a heroic figure in some storylines.