Two episodes in and She-Hulk: Attorney at Law has only done well among fans.
With Jennifer Walters' story finally on screen, the episode gave us a glimpse into how the fight between Hulk and her would go. Jennifer was able to win the fight easily as the Marvel Cinematic Universe has the smart Hulk version of the characters.
With that scene from She-Hulk: Attorney at Law in mind, a debate on what would happen if a berserker-level Hulk were to go up against Jennifer Walters. The answer to that is quite simple, seeing that the fight has already taken place in the comics.
Nonetheless, let's explore the power levels of both the characters.
She-Hulk vs Hulk: Who would win?

Well, for starters, let's take a look at how Jennifer Walters turned into the Hulk. In the comics, when she has a brutal accident, Bruce Banner starts a blood transfusion to save her life. This results in her getting the same powers as Hulk, but there's something a little different about her - Jennifer is pretty much in control.
With her getting the powers and turning into a She-Hulk, Jennifer has immense strength and is almost at par with the Incredible Hulk on many levels. Being able to turn into a monster at will and not having to wrestle with an internal monolog, Walters pretty much enjoys being the Hulk in many scenarios.
The Incredible Hulk

While Jen is pretty much in control, the same can't be said for her cousin Bruce Banner. After getting into a freak accident that involved Gamma radiation, Bruce Banner would soon find himself to be an indestructible hulking monster. One thing to know here is that Bruce Banner and the Hulk are two separate characters who co-exist.
When Hulk gets angrier, his strength increases as well and as Bruce Banner onc said:
"You wouldn't like me when I am angry"
The comic book version of the Hulk is basically an unstoppable force. He will stop for no one and will destroy anything in his path if provoked. Having accomplished some really huge feats, the Hulk is perhaps the strongest character in the Marvel universe.
Who would win?
The answer is pretty simple, the Hulk can easily take the cake here. He is by far the strongest character in the Marvel comics and has accomplished several crazy feats that will put any other hero to shame. When Hulk is out of control, She-Hulk doesn't stand a chance against him at all.
On the show as well, Jennifer was able to beat Hulk because Bruce was still in control. He went easy on Jen, and that gave her the advantage in the fight. If it was anything aside from Smart Hulk, Jen would have found herself in a pretty tough spot.
Since the Marvel Cinematic Universe in general is taking a very different turn with the Hulk, here is hoping they have the berserker monster return soon. With She-Hulk: Attorney at Law setting up a Planet Hulk storyline, looks like there might be a chance after all.