Will Wade Wilson kill the Fox X-Men universe? Exploring potential story for Deadpool 3 alongside Wolverine

Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe comic cover (Image via Marvel Comics)
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe comic cover (Image via Marvel Comics)

Ryan Reynolds broke the internet this week with his announcement of Deadpool 3, as it was confirmed that Hugh Jackman will be returning as Wolverine in the upcoming film. With his "final" performance as the mutant being in Logan, it looks like Jackman has decided to put on the claws once more and provide for some "snikt" action.

With Deadpool 3 being under the Marvel Studios banner, this is the first character that is being brought over from the 20th Century Fox era of X-Men films. It does leave many wondering if Marvel might actually adapt the Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe storyline, but instead, Wade will go on a killing spree of the Fox X-Men characters and this might bring him into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Whatever it may be, let's take a look at what Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe is all about and what can we expect.

Exploring Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe storyline amidst announcement of Deadpool 3

From a story written by Cullen Bunn comes Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe - a story that sees the "Merc with a Mouth" go on a killing spree like no other. While the story sees him kill the entirety of Marvel's pantheon, it is quite meta in nature as it threatens the readers too and features fourth wall breaks involving the writers too.

After the X-Men send Wade Wilson to a mental hospital to receive therapy, he is met there by Psycho-Man, who tries brainwashing Deadpool to the point where he would end up obeying all of his orders and commands. While Psycho-Man fails in doing so, Wade becomes even more maniacal as he loses a sense of himself and craves destruction.

Having the two voices in his head erased with a more sinister one, Deadpool first targets Psycho-Man and ends up killing him as he starts developing a more nhilistic view of the world. Becoming more unhinged, he begins his attacks by targeting the Fantastic Four first. Having some really creative kills, the deaths here will certainly leave you entertained.

For example, using Medusa's head to turn Thor, Loki and the other Gods into stone so that he can just flick them off, is quite creative in a way that only Wade could have pulled off. Ultimately, he kills the watcher too and then goes after the artists at Marvel as well and then directly talks to the reader by saying that he will be coming for us next.

It is quite indeed the story that can be established for Deadpool 3 considering how Fox's X-Men universe is pretty much done and dusted. With the mutants already coming to the MCU, this might be the perfect time to adapt something like this.

Deadpool 3 could also use this to end in a way, as the story also sees Wade go through the multiverse and kill the heroes there. This would be a great way to introduce him into the MCU.

If not this, then hey, we anyways have that road-trip movie with Wolverine that Ryan Reynolds pitched all those years ago for Deadpool 3. The film releases in theatres on September 6, 2024.

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