After India’s win against UAE in the Asia Cup on Thursday, there was a bit of comedy in front of the TV cameras, as one-time-teammates VVS Laxman and Harbhajan Singh had a hilarious conversation, as Harsha Bhogle and Matthew Hayden laughed along. There is an interesting history to the conversation as well.
Harbhajan was being congratulated by Bhogle on his great returns of 1/11 in his return to the team, but the conversation was interrupted almost immediately by VVS Laxman, who had his own agenda.
He stopped Bhogle and said, “Before that, Bhajji, what do you think of my shirt?” – showing off his bright shirt, which Bhogle had referred to as of a ‘glorious pink’ colour.
Harbhajan was momentarily taken aback, before putting his arm around Laxman and saying, “You’re looking great. You’re competing with Sherry paaji.” – a reference to Navjot Sidhu, the most colourful commentator ever on Indian TV. The inside joke was not lost on Laxman, as he went on to ask Harbhajan to also comment on Hayden’s bright yellow shirt.
Harbhajan had a witticism for Hayden as well, saying that he looked like he had just come from Goa. He was not just done with that, however, as he also pointed out Laxman’s choice of shoes. Laxman was very suspicious by now, and called for truce.
The conversation ended with Harbhajan asking for half of Laxman’s salary for all the praises he had heaped on his clothing, and is an indication of the dressing room relationship between these two India greats.
This incident has history to be sourced back to South Africa’s tour of India last year, when Harbhajan Singh had led the Indian team in showing a written message about Laxman’s choice of shirt while on commentary duty.
Laxman interrupted another conversation, when Bhajji was not around, and explained, “I am wearing pink because pink is the colour of my state Telengana. I am supporting my state.”
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