India’s most successful cue master Pankaj Advani started the Asian Billiards Championship in style by winning both his matches 4-0 in Colombo.
The 30-year-old defeated local favorite Mansoor Mohamed Mubin in four straight games - 101-64, 101-13, 100-15 and 100-11. Not stopping there, he went on to defeat Sri Lanka's known face, Anil Rohana 102-6, 102-27, 101-21 and 101-6.
With a record of 15 titles in his kitty, India's 'Golden boy' recorded the highest break of the day wth a score of 102.
This is what Advani had to say after the first day:
"We have a long way to go to the title, this was just the start. There have been some prominent performances early on and I'm hoping to continue my strong start through the championship."
He next plays South Korea's Minhu Baek on Thursday.