Indian fans were jubilant after India's Fouaad Mirza qualified for the Individual Eventing Final, which will be held later today. Mirza and Seigneur Medicott had a fantastic start to their campaign as they finished 9th in the Individual Dressage.
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The duo are now all set to compete against the best equestrians in the world to clinch a possible medal for India. Here's what happened during the Individual Eventing qualifiers.
India's Fouaad Mirza qualifies for the finals
Fouaad Mirza was India's first participant at the Olympics in 21 years. The Indian made it count and brought in all his experience to make it to the finals. He is only the second Indian to make it to the finals of any equestrian event.
Fouaad was the 10th to take the course on the day. He finished his event with a total of 8 penalties. Mirza had a total score of 47 penalties and needed to finish in the top 25 to make it to the finals of the eventing discipline.
Of all the equestrians, Fouaad is currently placed 25th. During his Asian Games triumph, Fouaad had the best record in eventing, but because of the jumping event he had to settle for silver. Mirza and Seigneur Medicott will be hoping to get things right when they take the course for the final.
Indian fans were ecstatic after Fouaad Mirza's qualification for the final of eventing in equestrian. The Indian is an Asian games silver medalist and has plenty of competition experience. The Indians will definitely have all their eyes on him as he takes the course for his final today.
Fans react to Fouaad Mirza's qualification to the finals
Fans poured in with their messages of love and appreciation for Fouaad Mirza after he qualified for the finals of the Individual Eventing in Equestrian.