3 best decks for Mud Pit arena of Goblin Queen's Journey in Clash Royale

Best decks for Mud Pit arena in Clash Royale (Image via SuperCell)
Best decks for Mud Pit arena in Clash Royale (Image via SuperCell)

Mud Pit is the second arena of the Goblin Queen's Journey in Clash Royale. It unlocks the Goblin Curse spell, which is one of the strongest spell cards in the game. Similar to Gold Mines arena decks, players should again focus on adding a lot of Goblin cards in their Mud Pit decks to use the Baby Goblins' ability multiple times in the game battle.

The Mud Pit arena deck should include at least two spells to tackle the enemy's army swarms and one tank card to start the counter push. Players can only use unlocked cards in the Mud Pit arena, so they can make changes in the battle decks accordingly. In this article, we will explore the best decks to use in the Mud Pit arena of the Goblin Queen's Journey in Clash Royale.

Note: this article is subjective and reflects the writer's views.

Best Mud Pit arena decks in Clash Royale

1) Bowler Princess Goblin Giant Hybrid

Bowler Princess Goblin Giant Hybrid deck in Clash Royale (Image via SuperCell)
Bowler Princess Goblin Giant Hybrid deck in Clash Royale (Image via SuperCell)
  • Goblin Gang
  • Goblin Giant
  • Goblin Cage
  • Princess
  • Bowler
  • Goblin Barrel
  • Arrows
  • Log

Bowler Princess Goblin Giant Hybrid is one of the best decks for the Mud Pit arena. It involves using Goblin Giant as a tank along with Bowler as an attacker. The latter can easily tackle army swarms like Skeleton Army, Goblin Gang, Barbarians, and Spear Goblins, allowing Goblin Giant to attack the towers.

Princess in this deck is very useful to directly attack the towers. She can attack the towers using her range ability without taking any damage. Goblin Barrel is used during the counter attack on towers when the opponent is low on elixir.

Goblin Cage comes in as a building defense to attract heavy tanks like Golem and Goblin Giant. It spawns a Goblin Brawler which can easily take down the tank along with the help of a few friendly troops.

2) Electro Goblin Giant

Electro Goblin Giant in Clash Royale (Image via SuperCell)
Electro Goblin Giant in Clash Royale (Image via SuperCell)
  • Electro Giant
  • Goblin Giant
  • Log
  • Arrows
  • Spear Goblins
  • Goblin Demolisher
  • Goblin Gang
  • Goblin Cage

Electro Goblin Giant is a powerful Mud Pit deck that focuses on using multiple tanks with low elixir troops to clear the enemy's towers. The attack starts by using a Goblin Giant initially at the back of a friendly crown tower and then Electro Giant is dropped near the bridge.

This way the opponent will have to use multiple army swarms to take down both the tanks. Electro Giant is itself a good defense for low elixir swarms. Still, players should use spells like Arrows and Log to instantly take down army swarms and create pressure on opponents.

Goblin Demolisher, Goblin Gang, and Spear Goblins are all great for activating Baby Goblins' ability and should be used during counter attacks. Goblin Cage is used to distract the building targeted troops. It spawns a Goblin Brawler which is a good troop for defense.

3) Mega Knight Goblin Hybrid

Mega Knight Goblin Hybrid deck in Clash Royale (Image via SuperCell)
Mega Knight Goblin Hybrid deck in Clash Royale (Image via SuperCell)
  • Mega Knight
  • Musketeer
  • Fireball
  • Arrows
  • Spear Goblins
  • Goblin Cage
  • Goblin Demolisher
  • Goblin Giant

Mega Knight Goblin Hybrid is one of the most powerful Mud Pit arena decks in Clash Royale. This battle deck focuses on using Goblin Giant and Mega Knight, two of the strongest tanks in the game. Meanwhile, the Musketeer is a good ground troop that is used to stop the enemy's push.

Goblin Demolisher and Spear Goblins are used both offensively and defensively according to the situation. Goblin Cage helps stop the enemy's push while Goblin Brawler helps tackle the enemy's Goblin Giant and other tanks.

Fireball and Arrows are used as spells to stop the enemy's counter-push and aid friendly troops. Players can also use Arrows along with Goblin Giant and Mega Knight to tackle the enemy's air troops.

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