In Free Fire, users can also combine characters' abilities, comprising one active and three passive ones. Therefore, many players look for the best combinations that they can create.
DJ Alok is the in-game persona of Alok Petrillo, a renowned musician. His character is one of the most prominent choices amongst the Free Fire players due to his incredible ability called "Drop the Beat." Players can purchase Alok for 599 diamonds from the in-game shop.
As Alok’s skill is active, users have to combine it with three other passive abilities. This article discusses the three best Free Fire character combinations for DJ Alok after the recent OB27 update.
Note: This article is based on the preference of the writer. No characters have been repeated in this list to provide players with a broader range of options. Players can always mix and match characters from combinations based on their preference and playing style.
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Best Free Fire character combinations for DJ Alok
DJ Alok in Free Fire

Ability: Drop the Beat
DJ Alok’s ability creates an aura of 5m which replenishes 5 HP players for five seconds at the base level. Meanwhile, it also increases the speed of the allied movement by 10%. With the increase in level, the ability enhances. At ability level 6, the duration of the aura is increased to 10 seconds and the movement to 15%.
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The combinations are:
#1 Alok + Jai + Jota + Joseph

Jai: Raging Reload
Jota: Sustained Raids
Joseph: Nutty Movement
Jai’s Raging Reload ability automatically reloads a weapon’s magazine by a specific percentage upon knocking down a foe. Because of this, users are less likely to be stuck in a situation when they would have to reload their firearm while engaging in a crucial fight.

Sustained Raids ability of Jota restores the HP of the players by 40 at the maximum level using the weapon of the SMG and Shotgun classes. Lastly, Joseph’s ability, increasing the movement and sprinting speed by 20% upon taking damage.

Also read: 3 best Free Fire character combinations without Chrono in OB27 World Series update
#2 Alok + Antonio + Rafael + Shirou

Antonio: Gangster’s Spirit
Rafael: Dead Silent
Shirou: Damage Delivered

Antonio’s ability provides the players with 35 additional HP at the start of the round, which means that the user will start a Battle Royale match with 235 HP.
Dead Silent was massively changed with the recent OB27 update. It was made a passive ability and now provides the users with a silencing effect while using sniper rifles and marksman files. The enemies that are downed will suffer 45% faster HP loss as well.

Shirou’s Damage Delivered tags an enemy within a radius of 80m after being hit by them for six seconds. The first shot on the marked opponent has a 100% increased armor penetration. It is worth noting that the ability has a cooldown of 20 seconds.
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#3 Alok + Moco + Laura + Dasha
Moco: Hacker’s Eye
Laura: Sharp Shooter
Dasha: Partying On

Moco’s Hacker’s Eye ability tags the enemy shot for a specific duration of time, enabling the users to make their move on the battlefield wisely. Also, the location is shared with the teammates.

Laura’s ability increases the players' accuracy while they are scoped in by 30 at the maximum level. If the user does not prefer her ability, they can replace it with Luqueta’s.

Lastly, Dasha’s ability has numerous benefits that can aid the users immensely. It reduces the recoil that could make them land a higher number of shots on their foes. On the other hand, it also reduces the damage taken from falls and the recovery time.
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