Free Fire names stand out in the crowd due to their uniqueness. While some players prefer a simple and elegant moniker, some like to go overboard by decorating their names with symbols to grab the attention of fellow players.
To find a cool name of their choice, players can head over to certain sites to choose one. Players can also enter a name of their choice and let the websites design a new one for them. They can then copy any name from the list of recommendations and set their IGN in Free Fire.
Also read: How to get stylish Free Fire guild names after OB27 update
30 best stylish Free Fire names with unique symbols for the OB27 version

These are thirty of the best Free Fire names that players can use:
- VeгຮสtᎥle V๏ψส𝔤eг☢
- Aչนre 𝕰nigma
- 𝖂hᎥmʂicคl
- Ⲙagiᄃ Ⲙagen†a
- H𝖆r𝔪𐍉nℽ
- 彡L𝑜ve𝒞สภ∂y彡
- Ⲙutant gµψ
- Ge𝔪 ฿𐍉y
- ℜค𝔡𝕚cal
- ꧁Mighτψ M͢͢͢e
- 𝕿𝖞𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖞
- ฿eαsτ
- DØØm
- ⌁A𝖒𝖇𝖎𝖌𝖚𝖔𝖚𝖘 A𝖉𝖒𝖎𝖗𝖆𝖑⌁
- ExterᴍΐŇatørs
- Eb𐍉ղψ
- 🌘Br𝖆ωnψ Brสdd0ck
- Ṩ𝓮noℝΐTa
- Oϻήΐp𐍉†eή†
- Ƥสssive Ƥerקetr@tor
- 山αяℓσ¢к▒
- Uภ🆆αveriภg ๖ۣۜ山αrfield♦️
- 𒈞Ƥhoeni𝔁
- Livᴇlץ Lⱥ∂
- ×°Fคnคτΐcคl
- Mΐ͢͢͢rąᴄle
- ⑉Deliri𐍉𝔲s͢͢͢
- Mαniสcส𝓁𓆪
- Uภwสvering Ɔêñ†ïðñ
- Rav𝒾sh𝒾ภg Ṩav͢͢͢iØบr☂
Also read: How to get stylish Free Fire names using symbols in April 2021
How to change nicknames in Free Fire

Players have the option to set their name in Free Fire at the very beginning. However, if they want to change their IGNs later, they can do that as well.
Players who wish to change their nicknames in Free Fire can do so by following the steps given below:
- They need to click the profile banner after opening Free Fire. Users can find it on the top left corner of the screen.
- Right below their usernames, they will notice the name change button. They need to click it.
- Players need to paste the name of their choice on the dialog box that appears.
- Users will then have to make the required payment to ensure that their names have been changed successfully.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.