A Nuzlocke in the early Generations of Pokemon can be an absolutely mind-bending challenge.
Kanto is one of the toughest regions to adventure in. It isn't necessarily hard in terms of game difficulty, but the lack of diverse Pokemon and the sheer length of it are the true challenge.
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Players often find themselves with some even harder choices when choosing what Pokemon to use. What creatures not to use is a much easier list to put together.
Five unwise choices for the Kanto Pokemon Nuzlocke
#5 - Primeape

Fighting-type Pokemon are in huge danger during Nuzlocke challenges. Flying and Psychic-types are going to be a massive problem during a Kanto run. Thankfully, they are not all useless.
Primeape does not fall under that label, however. It will have a tough time staying in the game. There are much better Fighting-type options, such as Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee.
#4 - Golduck

While Golduck has all of the abilities of a Psychic-type Pokemon without the weaknesses, its stats are not exceptional. It is just not a good choice to take into battle.
There are a handful of Pokemon that Golduck can overpower, but the list of those that can take it out is even larger. There are other Water-types or Psychic-types that make more sense.
#3 - Seadra

Seadra cannot evolve to Kingdra in Generation I. That doesn't happen until Generation II. Kingdra can be an absolute unit, but Seadra was never given that chance.
It can only be found later in the game or with a Super Rod, other than evolving it from Horsea. The lack of any standout stats or moves makes it an unworthy Pokemon choice.
#2 - Farfetch'd

In Pokemon Yellow, Farfetch'd is easy to come by. In Red and Blue, an NPC trade needs to happen in order to obtain it. It has some pretty awful stats and just isn't worth the trouble to add to a team.
It does have a solid immunity to Ground and Ghost moves, but the abundance of Rock, Electric, and Ice-types make it a huge risk to throw it into battle.
#1 - Parasect

Parasect is one of the worst Pokemon to come out of the Kanto region. Using it in a Nuzlocke challenge would be the worst decision a trainer could ever make.
As a Bug/Grass-type, it has a mega weakness to Flying and Fire. It is also weak to Poison, Rock, Bug, and Ice. That is just too much. Players are better off picking a Butterfree or Bulbasaur to do what Parasect would be capable of.
Note: This list reflects the author's personal views.
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