5 best Overwatch 2 heroes to duo with Reaper

5 best Overwatch 2 heroes to duo with Reaper(Image via Blizzard Entertainment and edited by Sportskeeda)
5 best Overwatch 2 heroes to duo with Reaper(Image via Blizzard Entertainment and edited by Sportskeeda)

Gabriel Reyes, a.k.a Reaper, is an extremely strong hero in Overwatch 2’s Damage roster. He is a formidable opponent to go up against in a match thanks to his two Hellfire Shotguns, which deliver terrible damage at close range. Reaper can easily decimate teams upon making space for himself and getting up close and personal. With Overwatch 2 introducing a 5v5 format, his role in the game has never been more important.

With the lack of a second tank, having a Reaper on your team could be a meta pick to tackle pesky heroes like Winston, Doomfist, or even a Roadhog.

Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer

Five Overwatch 2 heroes that are menacingly effective when paired with Reaper: Winston, Zarya, Genji, and more


Reaper’s versatility with his kit allows for him to fit in different compositions, be it a dive comp or a brawl comp. This Overwatch 2 hero can not only be a tank decimator but a constant threat to the enemy backline because of his ability to seamlessly execute a flank with his Shadow Step.

His passive, The Reaping, further helps in self-sustaining him by giving him 35% life steal when firing with his Hellfire Shotguns or meleeing. Wraith Form, allows him to quickly escape by becoming an invulnerable shadow whenever the odds of a fight turn against him. Reaper's adaptability to different scenarios makes him one of the best heroes to dominate games in Overwatch 2.

The five Overwatch 2 heroes that provide great compatibility with Reaper are:

1) Winston


Winston in Overwatch 2 is a very dive-centric Tank who can, with his Jump Pack, leap to the backline of the enemies and start pressuring the supports with his Tesla Cannon and Barrier Projector.

Winston diving the opponent’s backline and coordinating with Reaper using his Wraith Form to dive in as well would not just create space for the team, but would also clean up any DPS or Supports trying to fight against them.

2) Zarya


Zarya, in Overwatch 2, gains Energy by absorbing damage with her barrier abilities, increasing her own damage substantially. Projected Barrier allows her to bubble an aggressive Reaper who is fighting the enemy team, earning herself a ton of energy.

She can also use it to protect him while he is repositioning in his Wraith Form. Reaper and Zarya, with proficient coordination, can execute a combo of their ultimates, Death Blossom, and Graviton Surge, reducing anyone caught in it to ashes. The synergy this duo has is impeccable when used correctly.

3) Genji


Genji and Reaper share a strong dive playstyle together in Overwatch 2. Both of them, being very mobile heroes, can not only evade enemies when needed but also, reposition safely to secure easy eliminations.

Reaper, with his self-sustaining and high-burst Hellfire Shotguns, can wreak havoc in the face of anyone he duels with. If he fails to secure any eliminations, anyone under 50 health will be instantly wiped off with Genji’s Swift Strike. The duo shares a fast-paced playstyle by constantly poking and pressuring the supports in the backline, making a huge impact on the team fights that follow.

4) Lucio


Lucio's high-paced gameplay makes way for a great pair-up with Reaper. With his healing, the latter receives a steady healing stream that helps him come on top against anyone he takes a duel with. Coordinating Lucio’s Speed Boost could make for some very aggressive dives on the enemy team that they wouldn't see coming.

It can also be used as a tool to help Reaper reposition or even get him out of a sticky situation. Combining his Death Blossom with Lucio’s Sound Barrier will ensure more successful executions of the former, whilst keeping him alive.

5) Ana


The synergy that Reaper has with Ana is quite different from the others in Overwatch 2. The latter, with her Biotic Rifle and adequate positioning, can often ensure that Reaper survives any tactful engagement he takes.

Their synergy evolves from a combination of Ana’s Nano Boost with Reaper’s Death Blossom. The 50% damage increase and 50% damage reduction during the time Reaper is Nano Boosted makes his ultimate an absolute menace. Even without his ultimate, Reaper with Nano Boost becomes formidable considering how much high-burst damage he deals.

Reaper’s high damage output makes him a great pick against Tanks like Roadhog, Orisa, and Winston to ensure not just the survivability of the team but also cause a dent in the enemies.

Though short-ranged, the best part about his abilities is that he can position himself in places that people don’t expect. His diverse playstyle, be it diving the backline or brawling with the front, makes him a great pick in Overwatch 2.

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Edited by Sijo Samuel Paul
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