Starter Pokemon are some of the first best friends many children have, setting them off on their Pokemon adventure.
After the release of Sword and Shield, there are technically 26 starters that a player can choose from across all main series games. They eventually all become a mega powerful third evolution.
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Of course, some of those Pokemon are deemed much more useful than others. Not just as their final evolution, but throughout the entirety of the main stories and in battle.
5 best starter Pokemon of all time
#5 - Bulbasaur

Bulbasaur is the least popular of the first generation starters. Still, it becomes a machine as it evolves into Venusaur. Venusaur is one of the more popular first generation Pokemon in regards to battle meta.
It still has a place in current battle structures in the competitive scene. While the least popular of the three, that doesn't necessarily make it the least effective.
#4 - Torchic

Torchic evolves into the devastating fire/fighting type Blaziken. At one point, Blaziken had to be moved to the same status as some legendary Pokemon when it came to competitive battling because of how good it was.
In that aspect, and in the main story of Generation 3, Torchic rules. It is speedy, powerful, and can take a punch. Torchic, to Combusken, to Blaziken is never a bad option.
#3 - Litten

Similar to Venusaur, Incineroar still holds a solid footing in today's competitive Pokemon battling meta. Litten is a as a divisive starter as they come. The only reason it is ranked so highly is because of its evolutionary line.
A fire/dark typing, along with the ability to use Intimidate, can't be passed up. It is quite the tank as well. At first, no one trusted Litten, but as of late, it has shown its potential at its third evolution.
#2 - Froakie

Froakie evolves into Greninja. That's all that needs to be said. Greninja is one of the most powerful Pokemon in recent memory. It has a water/dark typing and incredible speed.
It even comes with the hidden ability Protean, which alters its typing to the move it is about to use. It immediately became a popular Pokemon, so much so that it won 'Pokemon of the Year' in 2020.
#1 - Charmander

Charmander is the first Pokemon that many individuals formed a bond with it. Eventually, it will evolve into Charizard, the arguably coolest Pokemon of all time. To this day, Charizard finds itself as a supreme competitive Pokemon. It has had a spot in the meta since the beginning.
It can access more types in its moveset than almost any other Pokemon. It can use flying, fire, fighting, grass, ground, rock, dark, dragon, and electric moves. That is a ton of coverage. Not to mention the variety of versions it has received, with a Gigantimax form and X and Y Mega forms.
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