Fairy-Type is the newest type introduced into the Pokemon series.
The Pokedex for Pokemon Sword and Shield is quite large now, with he addition of two DLCs. There are a plethora of new and returning Fairy Pokemon. Here are the most popular ones in Sword and Shield.
Note: This list is subjective and reflects only the opinion of the writer.
5 most popular Fairy Pokemon in Sword and Shield
#5 - Alolan Ninetales

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The Generation I Pokemon, Ninetales, got a new form in the Alolan region in Generation VII. This quickly rose to popularity as a revamp of an old popular Pokemon. Some fans even like this form more than the original.
Alolan Ninetales is a very solid Pokemon with a great ability and moves. Its ability, Snow Warning, summons Hail upon entering battle. Unfortunately, it can only be obtained by trading in Sword and Shield.
#4 - Togepi

Togepi has been a fan-favorite since it's long adventure as an egg in the Johto season of the anime. Players of Silver & Gold found themselves using Togepi pretty frequently since it can be obtained early as an egg.
Togepi is Misty's companion in the anime for a while. It definitely doesn't take that long to hatch it in the games.
#3 - Gardevoir

Another instant classic Pokemon. Introduced in Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire, many players ran around in the small patch of grass for a Ralts, after watching Wally catch one. Gardevoir actually gained the Fairy typing in addition to its Psychic typing after it was introduced.
Gardevoir was likely on many players' first teams in Generation III games. It even got an alternative evolution, Gallade, in Generation IV.
#2 - Sylveon

The newest Eeveelution, Sylveon, quickly rose to popularity after its debut in Generation VI. Sylveon is many fans' favorite evolution from Eevee.
Sylveon is the mascot for Fairy-Type Pokemon. Fans wonder when they'll add more Eeveelutions or additional types, as they did when Sylveon came out.
#1 - Mimikyu

When Mimikyu was released in Generation VII it quickly found its way into fans' hearts. Its a Ghost/Fairy-Type that disguises itself as a Pikachu because its the most popular; what's not to love.
Mimikyu continues to crush the popularity polls every years. It got 3rd place in 2020, behind only Lucario and Greninja.
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