The most popular grass type Pokemon doesn't necessarily mean it is the most powerful grass type.
There are several creatures that Pokemon fans have come to like, whether they can hold their own in battle or not. Many factors fall into what makes a Pokemon popular.
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Battle effectiveness helps, but isn't the be all end all. Fans come to love a Pokemon based off of its appearance, its actions in the anime or games, and even how cute it says its own name.
5 most popular Grass Pokemon of all time
#5 - Leafeon

Most of the time, an Eeveelution will fall into the popularity list of a typing. Leafeon is definitely one of the most popular grass types around. It isn't the best when it comes to battling like the other Eeveelutions, as it generally a pacifist. It is cute and kind, making Pokemon fans absolutely adore it.
#4 - Rillaboom

The final evolution of Grookey, the grass starter of Sword and Shield, has become extremely popular recently. The revival of interest in collecting cards from the Pokemon Trading Card Game has helped. Rillaboom is a beast in competitive battling and has some of the coolest card art. This massive grass gorilla is a fan favorite for sure.
#3 - Sceptile

Sceptile is the fastest grass type Pokemon there is. The anime and Mega Evolutions saw this final form of Treecko get a boost in popularity. It is arguably the most powerful grass type Pokemon. It became one of Ash's most trusted battling companions for a time and has appeared across the franchise in a variety of ways.
#2 - Bulbasaur

Bulbasaur, the original grass type starter, is definitely one of the most popular grass Pokemon. Many players passed up Bulbasaur for either Squirtle or Charmander, but have come to see the error of their ways. Each original starter is amazing, but Bulbasaur is very underrated. It's evolutions become absolute tanks and it is just so darn cute.
#1 - Chikorita

When it comes to cute and popular, though, Chikorita takes the cake. It is the most popular grass Pokemon. It's appearance, vigor, and way it has shown up in the games and anime series, has shot its popularity to the forefront. From plushes to graphics and shirts, Chikorita owns the grass type space. There's really no contest here.
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