Battlegrounds Mobile India is all set to make an official comeback in the country. The initial version, PUBG Mobile, was banned in September 2020 and disappointed many fans and players as they could not play their favorite battle royale title.
The upcoming title will offer the same features as the global iteration but with lots of changes in gameplay management. Players can choose from assault rifles to shotguns to take on their rivals on the battlegrounds.
Top five potent weapons in Battlegrounds Mobile India
1) AWM
The AWM or Arctic Warfare Magnum is the strongest weapon in BGMI. This bolt action sniper rifle can knock or kill an opponent with a fully intact level 3 helmet. It uses .300 magnum ammunition and is an exclusive airdrop rifle in-game.
It arrives with an average damage per hit of 120 hit points. The recommended attachments for the AWM are:
- Muzzle: Suppressor (improves stealth)
- Magazine: Extended Quickdraw Magazine (increases ammo capacity and reduces reload time)
- Stock: Cheek Pad (reduces recoil and weapon shake)
2) Groza
The Groza is one of the deadliest assault rifles in Battlegrounds Mobile India. The weapon deals lethal damage in close-range battles, with its heavy damage and impressive rate of fire.
It uses 7.62mm ammunition and has an average base damage of 49 hit points. The recommended attachments for the Groza are:
- Muzzle: Suppressor (Improves stealth)
- Magazine: Extended Quickdraw Magazine (Increases ammo capacity and improves reload time)
Also read: How to purchase Royale Pass in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)
3) MK14
The MK14 is an airdrop exclusive assault/DMR in the Battlegrounds Mobile India. The weapon is a beast in 1v1 combat and produces magnificent results in both mid and long-range gunfights.
The weapon uses 7.62mm ammunition and comes with an average base damage of 61 hit points. The recommended attachments for the MK14 are:
- Muzzle: Compensator (Reduces recoil)
- Magazine: Extended Quickdraw Magazine (Increases ammo capacity and improves reload time)
- Stock: Cheek Pad (Reduces weapon shake and improves stability)
4) M249
With the recent updates, the M249 has undergone severe changes in its damage and ammunition capacity. It is an LMG and can carry up to 150 bullets per round with the help of an extended magazine.
Players can now attach two extra attachments to the M249 to improve its features. The recommended attachments are:
- Magazine: Extended Quickdraw Magazine (Increase ammunition capacity from 75 to 150 bullets per round)
- Stock: Tact-stock (Improves stability)
5) M416
The M416 is such a versatile weapon in this new game. This assault rifle is suitable for all kinds of gunfights, including close, mid, and long-range combats. The gun has average hit damage of 41 and an impressive rate of fire.
The recommended attachments for the M416 assault rifle are as follows:
- Muzzle: Compqnsator (Reduces recoil)
- Grip: Half Grip (Better recoil recovery)
- Magazine: Extended Quickdraw Magazine (Increase initial ammunition capacity from 30 to 40 bullets per round)
- Stock: Tact-stock (Improves stability)
Also read: How to push to Conqueror in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)
Note: This article reflects the author's views.