Flying-type Pokemon have some great entries, but the underwhelming entries tend to be severely lacking in many aspects. There are some that should really be avoided.
As a type, the flying type doesn't offer as much as other types might. One aspect that makes it stand out is its invulnerability to ground type attacks. When paired with other types, flying can prove to be reasonably powerful. But with the wrong type match and bad design, some flying type Pokemon really stand out as underwhelming in the grand scheme of the Pokemon roster.
Top five underwhelming Flying Pokemon
#5 - Noctowl

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Noctowl is an evolved Hoothoot without any of the cute factor to back it up. The design of the dual-type Flying and Normal Pokemon isn't horrible, but it's relatively basic. On top of that, it doesn't offer much in battles.
Psychic-type moves tend to be associated with Noctowl, and if it were Psychic and Flying, it could have been redeemed. But instead, it is normal, and the Psychic is only a bait.
#4 - Ledian

Similar to Noctowl, Ledyba is an evolution that is fairly useless without the cute factor. Ledian is the evolution of Ledyba, and it becomes a dual-type Bug and Flying Pokemon.
Simply put, Bug and Flying together isn't a great combo. It's a weak dual type, and Ledian's design isn't interesting enough to warrant using the Pokemon anyway. If it had a third form, maybe it could have been saved.
#3 - Farfetch'd

To begin with, Farfetch'd was already an underwhelming Pokemon, especially compared to the roster available in Generation I. However, Generation VIII with the Galarian region truly sealed the fate of the original Farfetch'd. Galarian Farfetch'd is a fighting type, looks better, and has a cool evolution.
The original Farfetch'd has no evolution and is just a duck that holds a leek. A Normal and Flying dual-type also doesn't do it any favors.
#2 - Skiploom

A green blob with a flower on its head, Skiploom is an underwhelming Grass and Flying-type. It evolves from Hoppip, which is also underwhelming, and the final form isn't much better.
Players should avoid Skiploom, who is weak in battles and won't offer anything beyond a face on a plant.
#1 - Combee (Male)

Another Bug and Flying-type, Combee, in battles, is already something to forget, beyond the very basic design of the Pokemon. Female Combee can at least evolve into a decent design that isn't underwhelming.
However, male Combee don't evolve and are perhaps the most underwhelming.
Disclaimer: This list reflects the writer's personal views.
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