Ajay, popularly known as Ajjubhai, is one of the most well-known Free Fire content creators in India. His YouTube channel, Total Gaming, currently has over 24 million subscribers and 3.63 billion views combined.
Meanwhile, Insta Gamer is a Free Fire YouTuber who creates content and streams the game in Malayalam. He has a well-established fan base and boasts 119 million views on his channel.
This article compares the two players' stats in Free Fire.
Also read: Munna Bhai Gaming's Free Fire ID, K/D ratio, and stats in May 2021
Ajjubhai’s Free Fire ID and stats
Ajjubhai’s Free Fire ID is 451012596
Lifetime stats

Ajjubhai has played 11583 squad games and has triumphed in 2796 of them, maintaining a win rate of 24.13%. He secured 43470 kills at a K/D ratio of 4.95 in this mode.
When it comes to the duo mode, the YouTuber has played 1704 duo matches and has emerged victorious in 318 of them, translating to a win rate of 18.66%. He has 6663 frags in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 4.81.
Ajjubhai has also played 918 solo games and has 79 Booyahs to his name, making his win rate 8.60%. He has 2315 kills at a K/D ratio of 2.76 in this mode.
Ranked stats

Ajjubhai has played 93 squad matches in the current ranked season and has secured 39 victories, translating to a win rate of 41.93%. He has 542 kills in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 10.04.
The content creator has won 5 of the 16 ranked duo games that he has played, making his win rate 31.25%. With a K/D ratio of 7.82, he has 86 frags in this mode.
Ajjubhai has also played 7 ranked solo matches but is yet to secure a win. He has 12 kills in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 1.71.
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Insta Gamer’s Free Fire ID and stats
Insta Gamer’s Free Fire ID is 197218153.
Lifetime stats

Insta Gamer has played 11755 squad matches and has won on 1616 occasions, making his win rate 13.74%. He racked up 24561 kills at a K/D ratio of 2.42 in this mode.
The content creator has also played 1856 duo games and has 201 wins to his name, maintaining a win rate of 10.82%. With 3474 frags in these matches, he has a K/D ratio of 2.10.
Insta Gamer has played 1302 solo matches and has 101 Booyahs, translating to a win rate of 7.75%. He has 2561 kills at a K/D ratio of 2.13 in this mode.
Ranked stats

Insta Gamer has played 81 squad games in the ongoing ranked season and has triumphed in 26 of them, maintaining a win rate of 32.09%. He has 183 kills in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 3.33.
The YouTuber has also played 151 ranked duo matches and has secured 49 victories, translating to a win rate of 32.45%. He has 333 frags at a K/D ratio of 3.26 in this mode.
Insta Gamer has played 57 ranked solo matches and has emerged victorious in 18 of them, making his win rate 31.57%. He has 112 kills in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 2.87.
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In the lifetime solo, duo and squad matches, Ajjubhai has the edge over Insta Gamer in terms of both K/D ratio and win rate.
The two players' stats in the ranked solo mode cannot be compared as Ajjubhai has not played enough games.
Meanwhile, in the ranked duo matches, Insta Gamer has a better win rate, while Ajjubhai has a superior K/D ratio. When it comes to the ranked squad games, Ajjubhai has better stats than Insta Gamer.
Note: The stats in this article were recorded at the time of writing. They are subject to change as the content creators continue to play more games in Free Fire.
Also read: Amitbhai (Desi Gamers) vs Sooneeta: Who has better Free Fire stats in May 2021?
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