Ajjubhai is a popular Free Fire content creator. His YouTube channel, Total Gaming, has grown considerably in the last few years. It currently has 23.4 million subscribers.
Miss Diya is also a prominent Free Fire content creator, with 1.05 million subscribers on her YouTube channel, Blackpink Gaming.
This article compares the two players' stats in Free Fire.
Ajjubhai’s Free Fire ID and stats
Ajjubhai’s Free Fire ID is 451012596.
Lifetime stats

Ajjubhai has played 11337 squad matches and has emerged victorious in 2739 of them, maintaining a win rate of 24.15%. He has 42322 kills at a K/D ratio of 4.92 in this mode. He also has 14853 headshots at a rate of 35.10%.
The content creator has 310 Booyahs in 1676 duo matches, translating to a win rate of 18.49%. With 6522 kills and 2213 headshots in these matches, he has a K/D ratio of 4.77 and 33.93%.
Ajjubhai has played 907 solo games and has won on 79 occasions, making his win rate 8.71%. He has 2300 frags and 734 headshots, with a K/D ratio of 2.78 and a headshot rate of 31.91%.
Ranked stats

Ajjubhai has played 601 squad games in the current ranked season and has triumphed in 113 of them, translating to a win rate of 18.80%. He eliminated 2393 opponents at a K/D ratio of 4.90 in this mode. He also secured 1005 headshots at a rate of 42%.
The YouTuber has also played 8 ranked duo matches and has 3 Booyahs to his name, making his win rate 37.5%. Ajjubhai has 48 kills and 11 headshots, with a K/D ratio of 3.95 and a headshot rate of 22.92%
Ajjubhai has played 2 ranked solo games but is yet to win a game or secure a kill.
Also read: El Gato's Free Fire ID, total subscribers, monthly income, channel views, and more
Miss Diya’s Free Fire ID and stats
Miss Diya’s Free Fire ID is 558477413.
Lifetime stats

Miss Diya has played 9991 squad games and has triumphed in 2145 of them, making her win rate 21.46%. She has 23628 frags and 3998 headshots in this mode, with a K/D ratio of 3.01 and a headshot rate of 16.92%.
The YouTuber has 1858 victories in 10762 duo matches, maintaining a win rate of 17.26%. She has 26738 kills and 5157 headshots in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 3 and a headshot rate of 19.29%.
Miss Diya has also played 5893 solo matches and has won 596 of them, translating to a win rate of 10.11%. She racked up 12361 kills at a K/D ratio of 2.33 in this mode. She also has 2576 headshots at a rate of 20.84%.
Ranked stats

BlackPink Gaming has played 248 squad matches in the current ranked season and has secured 43 victories, translating to a win rate of 17.33%. With 634 kills and 131 headshots in these matches, she has a K/D ratio of 3.09 and a headshot rate of 20.66%.
The content creator has won 51 of the 283 ranked duo matches that she has played, making her win rate 18.02%. She has 868 kills and 230 headshots in this mode, with a K/D ratio of 3.74 and a headshot rate of 26.50%.
Miss Diya has also played 413 ranked solo games and has triumphed in 67 of them, maintaining a win rate of 16.22%. With a K/D ratio of 3.81 and a headshot rate of 35.54%, she has 1317 kills and 468 headshots in these matches.
Ajjubhai has better stats than Miss Diya in the lifetime squad and duo games. When it comes to the lifetime solo matches, Miss Diya has a better win rate, while Ajjubhai has a higher K/D ratio and headshot percentage.
The two players' stats in the ranked solo and duo modes cannot be compared as Ajjubhai has not played enough matches. However, in the ranked squad games, Miss Diya has a higher win rate, while Ajjubhai has a better K/D ratio and headshot percentage.
Note: The stats in this article were recorded at the time of writing. They are subject to change as the content creators continue to play more games in Garena Free Fire.
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