Farming Simulator 25 is an expansive game that engages players in calm yet overwhelming farming sessions, no matter what facet of agriculture they choose to focus on. Still, those who want an extra leg up may want to tinker around with in-game cheats by proxy of the console command. Effects range from tweaking technical and graphical aspects to gaining free money and resources.
Note that this can only be used on PC and does not cater to console gamers. Here is everything to know about console command cheats in Farming Simulator 25.
How to enable console commands in Farming Simulator 25
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Steam players can access the console command in the game, which is disabled by default. The first step is to find the configuration file for Farming Simulator 25.
For Steam version:
- Navigate to the game in your library.
- Right-click, then select Properties.
- Here, select the Installed Files tab then click on Browse to open the game files directory.
- Right-click on the 'Game.xml" file and select Edit in Notepad.
- Once the system file is open in an editor, find the following line: <controls>false</controls>
- Then change "false" to "true", without the quotation marks so the line looks like this: <controls>false</controls>
- Save the file and exit.
For non-Steam version:
- Right-click the Farming Simulator 25 icon on the desktop.
- Select Open File Location to open the game files directory.
- Right-click on the 'Game.xml" file and select Edit in Notepad.
- Once the system file is open in an editor, find the following line: <controls>false</controls>
- Then change "false" to "true", without the quotation marks so the line looks like this: <controls>false</controls>
- Save the file and exit.
The next and final step is to add in necessary external parameters to enable the console in the game.
For Steam version:
- Navigate to the game in your library.
- Right-click, then select Properties.
- Under the General tab, type in "-cheats" in the Launch Options field without any quotes.
For non-Steam version:
- Right-click the Farming Simulator 25 icon on the desktop.
- Select Properties.
- Under the Shortcut tab that pops up, add "-cheats" without quotes at the end of the Target field so that it looks like this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Farming Simulator 2025\FarmingSimulator2025.exe" -cheats
Thereafter, boot the game. While in-game, use the tilde (~) key on your keyboard to utilize console commands as desired.
Read more: All Farming Simulator 25 achievements and how to get them
All console command cheats in Farming Simulator 25
Use these cheats to obtain money or accomplish other tasks in-game:
- gsMoneyAdd: Adds $10,000 in money. Type in the amount in number next to this command to obtain the desired amount of money.
- gsTeleport: Teleport to a field with desired co-ordinates.
- gsFarmlandShow: Shows farmlands.
- gsFarmlandBuy: Buy a farmland.
- gsFarmlandBuyAll: Buy all farmlands.
- gsFarmlandSell: Sell an owned farmland.
- gsFarmlandSellAll: Sell all owned farmlands.
- gsPalletAdd: Spawns a Pallet in front of the player.
- gsBaleAdd: Spawns a Bale in front of the player.
- gsBaleList: Lists all available Bale types .
- gsFieldSetFruit: Changes the type of fruit grown in a field.
- gsFieldSetFruitAll: Changes the type of fruit grown in all fields.
- gsFarmSet: Sets the farm for the current player.
- gsTimeSet: Change in-game time as desired.
- gsWeatherAdd: Change the weather to a desired one.
- gsVehicleFuelSet: Change the fuel level of a vehicle.
- showFps: Shows in-game FPS.
- gsAmbientSoundSystemReload: Reloads the ambient sound system
- gsAmbientSoundSystemToggleDebugView: Toggles the ambient sound system debug view
- gsAsyncManagerToggleDebugView: Toggles the debug view for overlaps and raycasts
- gsAutoSave: Enables/disables auto save
- gsAutoSaveInterval: Sets the auto save interval
- gsBrandUsageList: Prints a list of all used brands
- gsCameraFovSet: Sets camera field of view angle
- gsCameraManagerDebug: Toggle camera manager debug mode
- gsCollisionFlagShowAll: Shows all available collision flags
- gsCollisionMaskMappingReload
- gsCollisionMaskMappingVerbose
- gsCollisionPresetsExport: Export all collision presets to xml files
- gsCustomEnvMapList
- gsCustomEnvMapSet index
- gsDebugManagerClearElements: Removes all permanent elements and functions from DebugManager
- gsDebugManagerGroupRemove: Remove group and its debug elements
- gsDebugManagerGroupVisibilitySet groupId, [visibility]: Toggle or set visibility of given group name
- gsDebugManagerGroupsList: List all currently used debug element groups with visibility and number of elements
- gsDebugPhysicsCollisionsGroup: Opens a dialog to modify collision group debug options
- gsDepthOfFieldSetFarParams farCoC, farStart, farEnd: Set far depth of field parameters
- gsDepthOfFieldSetNearParams enabled, nearCoC, nearEnd: Set far depth of field parameters
- gsDestructibleObjectsDamageAdd: Add damage to destructible object camera is pointed at
- gsDestructibleObjectsDebug: Toggle DestructibleMapObjectSystem debug
- gsEnvironmentAreaSystemToggleDebugView: Toggles the environment checker debug view
- gsEnvironmentAutoExposureToggle: Toggles auto exposure
- gsEnvironmentFixedVisualsSet periodIndex: Sets the visual seasons to a fixed period
- gsEnvironmentMaskSystemToggleDebugView: Toggles the environment mask system debug view
- gsEnvironmentReload: Reloads environment
- gsEnvironmentSeasonalShaderDebug: Shows the current seasonal shader parameter
- gsEnvironmentSeasonalShaderSet: Sets the seasonal shader to a forced value
- gsFruitTypesExportStats: Exports the fruit type stats into a text file
- gsGuiDebug
- gsGuiDrawHelper [lineSpacing [0..1]]
- gsGuiFocusDebug
- gsGuiSafeFrameShow
- gsHudVisibility: Toggle HUd visibility
- gsI3DCacheClean: Removes all cached i3d files to ensure the latest versions are loaded from disk
- gsI3DCacheShow: Show active i3d cache
- gsI3DLoadingDelaySet minDelaySec, [maxDelaySec], [minDelayCachedSec], [maxDelayCachedSec]: Sets loading delay for i3d files
- gsI3DPrintActiveLoadings: Print active loadings
- gsIgnitionLockDebug: Toggles the ignition lock debug view
- gsInputContextPrint
- gsInputContextShow
- gsInputDebug
- gsInputDebugControllerSymbols
- gsInputRegisteredActionsShow
- gsLicensePlateCreateAIIcons [numX, numY, variationIndex, position]: Create license plate icons for AI vehicles
- gsLightProfileToggle: Toggles between high and low light profile on vehicles & placeables
- gsMaterialManagerDebug: Debug particle effect
- gsNetworkDebug: Toggle network debugging
- gsNetworkShowObjects: Toggle network show objects
- gsNetworkShowTraffic: Toggle network traffic visualization
- gsNetworkShowTrafficClients: Toggle client network traffic visualization
- gsNoteExport: Exports currently created note nodes as i3d file
- gsNoteList: Lists currently created note nodes in console/log
- gsObjectMaskPresetsExport: Export all object mask presets to xml files
- gsOverlayManagerReset: Deletes all currently loaded texture configurations
- gsParticleSystemDebug: Debug particle effect
- gsPedestrianSystemDebug: Debug pedestrian system
- gsPedestrianSystemReload: Reload pedestrian system xml
- gsPedestrianSystemToggle: Toggle pedestrian system
- gsPlayerAnimationDebug: Toggles animation debug view
- gsPlayerAnimationReload: Reloads the animations
- gsPlayerDebugFlagToggle: Toggles the debug display flag with the given name for the player
- gsPlayerDebugFlagVerbosityToggle: Toggles the debug display verbosity flag with the given name for the player
- gsPlayerFlightToggle: Enables flight to be toggled (key J). Use keys Q and E to change altitude
- gsPlayerNoClipToggle [disableTerrainCollision]: Toggles player collision. First argument is a boolean to determine if collision with the terrain should also be disabled
- gsPlayerSoundsDebug: Toggles sounds debug view
- gsPlayerSoundsReload: Reloads the sounds
- gsPlayerSuperSpeedToggle: Massively increases the movement speed of the player
- gsPlayerSuperStrengthToggle: Toggles the super strength mode for the player
- gsPowerConsumerSet: Sets properties of the powerConsumer specialization
- gsProductionPointSetFillLevel
- gsProductionPointSetOutputMode
- gsProductionPointSetOwner
- gsProductionPointSetProductionState
- gsProductionPointsList: List all production points on map
- gsProductionPointsPrintAutoDeliverMapping: Prints which fillTypes are required by which production points
- gsRenderColorAndDepthScreenShot
- gsReverbSystemSettingsReload: Reloads the reverb settings
- gsReverbSystemToggleDebugView: Toggles the reverb debug view
- gsScriptCommandsList: Lists script-based console commands. Use 'help' to get all commands
- gsSearch: Searches for script-based console commands containing the given string (name and description). Use 'help' to get all commands
- gsSetFixedExposureSettings [keyValue, minExposure, maxExposure]: Sets fixed exposure settings
- gsSetHighQuality coeff, [foliageCoeff: default=coeff*0.5]: Increase draw and LOD distances of foliage, terrain, and objects
- gsShallowWaterSimDebug: Toggle shallow water simulation debug mode
- gsShallowWaterSimExtraDepthSet [extraDepth]: Set water simulation extra depth
- gsShallowWaterSimPaint [circle|rect, velocityScale, radiusOrWidth, height]: Paint shape on simulation
- gsShallowWaterSimParamSet [updateStepTime, externalAcceleration, dampening]: Set water simulation parameters
- gsShallowWaterSimReset: Reset water simulation
- gsShopUIToggle: Toggle shop config screen UI visibility
- gsSoundManagerDebug: Toggle SoundManager global debug mode
- gsSoundMixerDebug: Toggle sound mixer debug mode
- gsSplineDebug [displayEPs]: Toggles debug visualization for all splines currently in the scene
- gsStoreItemsReload: Reloads storeItem data
- gsTensionBeltDebug: Toggles the debug tension belt rendering of the vehicle
- gsToneMapping: Toggle Tone Mapping dialog visibility
- gsTrafficSystemLightsDebug [light|left|right|brake]: Reloads traffic system
- gsTrafficSystemReload: Reloads traffic system
- gsTrafficSystemToggleDebug: Enables debug rendering for the collision geometry
- gsTrafficSystemValidate: Validates traffic system setup
- gsVehicleAnalyze: Analyze vehicle
- gsVehicleBottomArmSetWidth: Sets the width of the bottom arm to a certain category width
- gsVehicleDebug: Toggles the vehicle debug values rendering
- gsVehicleDebugAttacherJointConnections jointIndex: Visualization of the connection hoses and power take offs per attacher joint
- gsVehicleDebugCastShadow: Visualizes all shapes that cast shadows
- gsVehicleDebugCylinderedUpdateDebug: Shows the name of each movingPart or movingTool that is updated
- gsVehicleDebugDecalLayer: Visualizes all shapes with decal layer
- gsVehicleDebugLOD: Enables vehicle LOD debug
- gsVehicleDebugLightIESProfiles: Enables and disables IES profiles on the light source (only the automatically assigned profiles)
- gsVehicleDebugMaterial materialTemplateName: Visualizes all shapes that got the given material template assigned
- gsVehicleDebugMergeGroups: Visualizes all merge groups
- gsVehicleDebugPassengerSeats: Enables debugging for passenger seat character targets
- gsVehicleDebugPowerTakeOffs: Spawns all power take offs in front of the player
- gsVehicleDebugSharedLights [defaultLight, brakeLight, highBeam, workLightBack], workLightFront, turnLightLeft, turnLeftRight, reverseLight]: Spawns all shared lights in front of the player
- gsVehicleDebugToggleWheelDisplacement: Toggles the interaction of the wheels with the displacement
- gsVehicleDebugTopLights: Toggles between top and bottom lights
- gsVehicleDebugWetness: Visualizes the wetness masking of the vehicle
- gsVehicleDebugWheelEffects: Enabled the wheel effects all the time
- gsVehicleExportScenegraph: Exports the vehicle scenegraph to a xml file
- gsVehicleRecordAnimation: Turns on the state recording for the given animationName
- gsVehicleRecordState: Starts and stops vehicle state recording
- gsVehicleReload [resetVehicle, radiusAroundPlayer]: Reloads currently entered vehicle or vehicles within a range when the second radius parameter is given
- gsVehicleSaleSystemRefresh: Generate new set of sale items
- gsWeatherDebug: Toggles weather debug
- gsWeatherReload: Reloads weather data
- gsWeatherSet: Sets a weather object by type
- gsWeatherSetClouds: Sets cloud data
- gsWeatherSetDebugWind: Sets wind data
- gsWeatherSetFog [enabled, coverageEdge0, coverageEdge1, groundFogLevelDensity], groundFogExtraHeight, groundFogMinVallyDepth, heightFogMaxHeight, heightFogLevelDensity]: Sets fog values
- gsWeatherToggleRandomWindWaving: Toggles waving of random wind
- gsWeatherTwisterSpawn: Adds a twister at current position in current direction
- gsWildlifeDespawnAll: Despawns all current instances
- gsWildlifeForceSpawnAtLookAt: Forces an instance of the given species to spawn at the position the player is looking at
- gsWildlifeSetDisplayedSpecies: Sets the species whose spawn chance is shown on the debug minimap to the species with the given name
- gsWildlifeSetMaximumBudget: Sets the maximum budget of the wildlife manager, determining how many total instances can be spawned
- gsWildlifeSpawnFlyingInstance: Spawns the given number of flying instances that travel over the player
- gsWildlifeToggleAI: Toggles instance AI on/off (does not work for companions, i.e. deer)
- gsWildlifeToggleDebugView: Toggles the debug view for the wildlife system
- gsWildlifeToggleDespawning: Toggles despawning on/off
- gsWildlifeToggleRandomPositionDisplay: Toggles random positions being shown in the debug view every frame, for debugging spawn positions
- gsWildlifeToggleSpawning: Toggles spawning on/off
- gsWiperStateSet: Sets the given wiper state for all vehicles
- gsWorldAttributesToggleDebugView: Toggles the debug view for the local world attributes
- gsXMLGenerateSchemas: Generates xml schemas
- dmvoTimingLogs: Enable or disable Timing Logs for DensityMapVisualizationOverlay updates
- dumpXessInputs: Dump Xess Inputs
- enableDoF: enable Depth of Field
- enableFrameRateLimit: Enable/Diable frames per second limiter
- enableAnimalStatesDebugRendering: Enable/disable animal states debug rendering
- enableOccluderDebugRendering: Enable/disable occluder debug rendering
- enablePostFx: Enable/disable postfx
- enableShadingRateImage: Toggles usage of a shading rate image for render passes given in the first parameter (e.g. main, reflections)
- enableTrafficDebugRendering: Enable/disable traffic system debug rendering
- quit: Quits application
- framerateLimitFPS: Frames per second limit attribute
- gsBaleAddAll: Adds a bale
- gsFieldSetGround: Opens UI to set state for specific field(s)
- gsFieldSetState: Opens UI to set state for specific field(s)
- gsFieldToggleStatus: Shows field status
- gsFillUnitAdd: Changes a fillUnit with given filllevel and filltype
- gsAICostsExport: Export costmap to image file
- gsAICostsShow: Shows the costs per cell
- gsAICostsUpdate: Update costmap given width around the camera
- gsAIEnableDebug: Enables AI debugging
- gsAIObstaclesShow: Shows the obstacles around the camera
- setUseCloudCurlNoise: Toggles cloud curl noise used on/off
- setValarPowerMode: Sets power mode in the VALAR algorithm ("low" switches to the low power version)
- setVolumetricCloudVelocity: Sets Volumetric-Cloud Wind-Direction and -Velocity
- setVolumetric: FogQuality Volumetric Fog Quality
- setWetness: Set global wetness factor
- setXeSSQuality: Set Intel XeSS Quality
- showNavMesh: Show navigation meshes
- toggle8BitShadowBuffer
- toggleShadowDenoising: Toggles shadow denoising on or off
- toggleSoftShadows: Toggles soft shadows on or off
- visualizeShadingRateImage: Visualizes the shading rate image.
- vtEnableUpdate: Enable or disable virtual texture updates
- vtLogIndexUpdates: Enable or disable logging of virtual texture index updates
- vtRedrawAll: Redraw entire virtual texture
- vtResetState: Reset virtual texture state
- vtShowRegionUpdates: Enable or disable the display of virtual texture region updates
Note: These are all the cheats we've found so far. The list will be updated when we discover more of them.
Farming Simulator 25 is available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.
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