All you need to know about Masks in Metaphor ReFantazio (Image via Sega)
Masks in Metaphor ReFantazio are powerful items that can be equipped on characters using the Masked Dancer Archetype. When a character like Junah, who possesses the Masked Dancer equips an Archetype Mask, they can access that Archetype’s skills and inherit their affinities. For example, if you equip the Seeker’s mask on Junah, she will be able to use Seeker's abilities and gain resistance to wind and weakness to Fire.
You can craft Archetype masks by visiting More. However, to craft them, you need the lesser masks that can only be gained by purchasing or finding from specific locations on the map. In this guide, we have shared all the locations where you can find the masks needed to craft Archetype masks in Metaphor ReFantazio.
Where to find Masks in Metaphor ReFantazio?
To craft the Archetype masks, you will need the other masks (Image via Sega)
To craft the advanced masks, you'll need to purchase certain masks from the Wary Shopkeeper, who can be found on Seabreeze Street in Port Brilehaven. Accessing his exclusive stock, however, involves a few steps:
Go to Virga Island and Visit the Golden Deer Hearth Pub:
Speak to the Talkative Mustari (the Informant of the region) near King’s Rock.
Purchase “Secret of Eugief’s Stall” for 1,000 reeves, which unlocks access to the Wary Shopkeeper.
Complete the Alonzo Follower Link:
At this point of the game, it is highly likely that you have already started Alonzo’s Bond link. If you have, then just talk to the shopkeeper and mention that you know Alonzo. This will unlock the Shopkeeper’s secret stash.
The Wary Shopkeeper’s stock rotates daily, with a different set of masks available each day. Masks cost 25,000 reeves each. Below is the day-by-day list of the masks he sells:
Masks Available
Flamesday (Day 1)
Fool White, Magician White, Priestess White, Empress White, Emperor White
Watersday (Day 2)
Hierophant White, Lovers White, Chariot White, Justice White, Hermit White
Arboursday (Day 3)
Fortune White, Strength White, Hanged Man White, Death White, Temperance White
Metalsday (Day 4)
Devil White, Tower White, Star White, Moon White, Sun White, Judgement White
Overworld Mask locations in Metaphor ReFantazio
Equip the masks on the Masked Dancers to unlock their full potential (Image via Sega)
Other than the Wary Shop Keeper, you can find Masks in the open world in the following locations: