Outposts and Resource Deposits in the Frostlands in Frostpunk 2 take players through a massive area that is open for exploration and can reward the city with useful materials and necessary resources for the survival of the citizens. The prerequisites for the collection of these resources can be different depending on the type of items - some need more teams and trails while others can do fine with workers providing a constant supply.
The Frostlands is a huge area that allows for several expeditions to find smaller settlements, resources, and deposits. These items can greatly alleviate the condition of the main city as there is a constant requirement for certain supplies. Once all of this is secured in surplus, players can carry on to build new structures and research ideas.
Note: Parts of this article are subjective and reflect the opinion of the author.
The Outposts are a crucial part of creating new Settlements. These structures have a constant running cost so it is best to check the description before building one. However, once an Outpost has been constructed, it can provide a constant supply of resources to different districts and the main city itself. Players can construct new Trails and Skyways for the process to be smoother or utilize existing routes to maximize efficiency and avoid draining the existing resources.
Similar to Districts, Outposts can also be decommissioned by clicking it and selecting the deactivation option. This should be done only when the harvest of the Outpost takes up more resources than what is being supplied.
Resources are a one-time collection expedition that does not require its Trail as there is no constant supply. These are useful pit stops for the main city when exploring different areas in the Frostlands. Deposits need to have a set of Frostland Teams to ensure a smooth supply of resources but do not require the presence of a Trail or an Outpost.
That said, here is a list of all Outposts and Resource Deposits in the Frostlands in Frostpunk 2:
The Approach
Crashed Transport
This is a Resource spot that can provide 50,000 Coal Stockpiles and needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Whale Mine
Players can choose to build a Food Outpost here or collect the machinery. The Outpost provides a deposit of 100,000 Food and increases the overall Food supply by 100. It can be upgraded to a Settlement.
Ashtop Mountains
IEC Storage
Provides 2 Cores, 100 Prefabs, and requires 5 Frostland Teams.
Winter Palace
Players can either take 60,000 Goods with 15 Frostland Teams or setup a Manufacturing Outpost. The Outpost has a deposit of 169,000 and increases overall Goods supply by 40. It can be upgraded to a Settlement.
Barren Plains
The Lovers
Resource point where players can either repair the Automatons and get 800 Workforce while spending 150 Prefabs and using 5 Frostland Teams, or take 2 Cores with the same number of teams.
Staging Area
Resource of 50,000 Materials and requires 5 Frostland Teams.
Hunting Camp
Deposit of 29,400 Food that increases Food supply by 70 and needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Battered Foothills
Rusted Engine
Resource of 2 Cores and needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Old Observatory
Resource of around 3500 Frostlanders if you take everyone or only around 2000 if you take the ones who want to join.
Abandoned Coal Mine
Players can choose to keep the Prefabs for Trails and use the Coal Mine. This Outpost can be upgraded to a Settlement.
Cursed Valley
Dreadnought Husk
Resource of around 2000 Frostlanders and needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Ruins of Winterhome
This is a Colony that needs to be explored and prepared as a part of Chapter 3 of the story mode.
Dead End Crags
Site of Conflict
Resource point where players can either repair Transports for reduced exploration time or collect 2 Cores. Both choices need 5 Frostland Teams.
Fishing Spot
Desposit of 77,000 Food that increases supply by 90.
Desolate Coast
Mangled Cart
Resource of 3 Cores and needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Oil Cistern
Resource point where players can get 50,000 Oil which needs 5 Frostland Teams or send Mountaineers to get the same resources. The second option requires a working Scouts' Headquarters.
Old Dreadnough
This is a Colony that needs to be set up in Chapter 1.
Endless Plains
Bone Traders
Resource of 5,000 Goods and needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Hot Springs Mushroom Cave
Players can choose to take Mushrooms to increase Food production efficiency with 5 Frostland Teams. Players can repair the Heating system to create Food harvesting site with 200 Prefabs. The deposit provides 250,000 Food and increases supply by 260.
Far Reach
An Explorer's Grave
Resource of 1 Core and needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Frozen Grove
This is an Outpost that has 358,400 Materials and increases overall supply by 320.
Frozen Bay
Fishing Village
Deposit site and increases population by about 2000. Food deposit of 100,000 can be accessed later which increases supply by 100.
Frozen Ocean
Crashed Hulk
Resource of 50,000 Material and Coal. Needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Reverberating Wreck
Resource of 400 Workforce or players can choose to take 1 Core and 100 Prefabs. Both tasks need 5 Frostland Teams.
Thin Ice
Deposit area with 77,000 Food to increase supply by 90.
Frozen Sea
Fishing Trawler
Resource 75,000 Food but increases disease. Needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Nomad Exiles
Resource of around 1300 Frostlanders for population increase. Needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Ghostless Wastes
Breakdown Point
Resource of 150 Prefabs and needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Slavers Camp
Resource of 913 captive Frostlanders. Needs 20 Guards Squads and 10 Frostland Teams.
Buried Village
Outpost with access to 201,600 Deposits to increase overall supply by 200.
The Gorge
Weather Station
Outpost that increases population growth.
The Graveyard
The Royal Navy
Resource of 50,000 Coal and needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Imperial Freighter
Outpost with access to 2,440,000 Materials and increases supply by 200.
High Pass
Hot Springs Refuge
Players can choose to dismantele the Loading Station or rebuild it. Rebuilding requires players to make contact with Hot Springs and build a Trail to the main city.
Abandoned Research Station
Resource from salvaging the remains or ignore it to build better relationship with Stalwarts.
Abandoned Lazaret
Resource of 300 Prefabs but increases tension slightly. Needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Wise Women Camp
Resource of 3 Cores and 557 population. Needs 5 Frostland Teams. Relationship with Stalwarts become a bit worse.
Howling Shore
Cursed Circle
Resource of 2 Cores but Trust take a slight hit. Needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Mossy Caves
Deposit with access to 77,000 Food and increases supply by 60.
Last Hope Mountain
Dried Oil Well
Resource of 300 Prefabs and needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Makeshift Mine
Players can send Food with 10 Frostland Teams or enter the area by force with additional 15 Guard Squads to get Coal.
The Meadow
Plague Shacks
Resource of around 1100 population where players can either take the sick people directly or treat them first. Treatment requires Experimental Treatment Law to be in effect. Both choices need 5 Frostland Teams.
Silver Automatons
Resource point where players can repair the Automatons for 1200 Workforce and spend 300 Prefabs and 4 Frostland Teams. Players can also take 4 Cores with 5 Frostland Teams.
Miracle Valley
Ice Sailer Families
Resource to take few faimiles or all of the families with 5 Frostland Teams to increase population.
Ice Sailers
Deposit point where player can help and access a Harvesting Site to increase Food supply or force them to return which makes the Site supply less food.
Captain's Mine
Outpost to access 210,000 Coal and increase supply by 250
Mysterious Towers
Outpost requires 30 Frostland Teams for exploration. Provides 400 Prefab deposit and for weekly supply.
Ruins of Tesla City
Players can salvage the Coal-to-Oil Converter or create a Research Outpost. This can be upgraded to a Settlement. Greatly increases research speed.
Crashed Dirigible
Resource of 3 Cores and need 5 Frostland Teams.
Familiar Hero
Deposit of 77,000 Food and increases supply by 90.
Ice Caves
Resource of sketches that reduce the Cold.
Timber Kiln
Outpost where you can share Oil with nomads or gain access by force. The second option requires 10 Frostland Teams and 15 Guard Squads. It can be upgraded to a Settlement.
Pioneer Ridge
Nansen's Storm Watch
Outpost that can increase exploration speed.
Outpost 11
Players can salvage it for 100,000 Materials with Frostland Teams or re-establish the Outpost for increases stockpile limits. It can be upgraded to a Settlement.
Rowett Ridge
Discovery Station
Resource of 100 Prefabs and needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Last Camp
Resource of 3 Cores and 100,000 Coal with around 2000 New Londoners. Needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Purification Pass
Ghost Town
Resource of 1 Core or you can take everything including 500 Prefabs with the Core. Needs only 5 Frostland Teams for the single core and 30 for everything.
Musk Ox Herd
Desposit of 77,000 Food that increases supply by 90.
Textiles Factory
Resource of 25,000 Goods or 50,000 Materials. Needs 5 Frostland Teams.
The Woodsmen
Outpost with access to 358,400 Materials and increases supply by 250.
Shifting Coast
Seal Colony
Resource of 29,400 Food to increase supply by 70. Players can choose to breed the seals instead of hunting them.
A Fragrant Find
Resource of 2500 Goods and needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Steam Valley
Nameless Cliff
Resource of population if you choose to take the infants.
Hot Springs
Players can access the spring and rebuild the Loading Station and fix Mushroom Experiment or force their way in with 10 Frostland Teams and 30 Guard Squads.
Valley 1
Dreamers' Mine
Outpost with access to 2,440,000 Materials and increases supply by 200.
Fortitude Base
Outpost provides a decrease in exploration cost and can be upgraded to a Settlement. Players can choose to take resources and collect 3 Cores and 300 Prefabs. The collection needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Valley 2
IEC Smelter
Resource of 500 Prefabs and 4 Cores. Needs 10 Frostland teams. Players can choose to setup the Outpostand get 2,440,000 Materials and increase supply by 250. It can be upgraded to a settlement.
Valley 3
Wrecked Warehouse
Resource of 3 Cores and needs 5 Frostland Teams.
Languid Hero
Deposit of 29,400 Food to increase supply by 90.
Valley 4
Shipwreck Camp
It is a Camp that becomes a Settlement where players can choose to either reinstate the old leaders, support a new one, or bring the people to New London.
Baron's Cave
Players can either choose to send materials or shut it down with 10 Frostland Teams and 20 Guard Squads. Alternatively, players can choose to loot 25,000 Goods and take 913 Frostlanders. This requires 5 Frostlander Teams. The last option is to setup the area for use with 2 Heatstamps Income which requires 10 Guard Squads and 10 Frostland Teams.
Players can utilize this list of Outposts and Resource Deposits in the Frostlands in Frostpunk 2 to prioritize their needs.
That is everything you need to know about the Outposts and Resource Deposits in the Frostlands in Frostpunk 2. Stay tuned to Sportskeeda for more updates, guides, and news.