All Overwatch 2 Dive heroes ranked from easiest to use to hardest

A sneak peek at the Dive heroes of Overwatch 2(image via Sportskeeda)
A sneak peek at the Dive heroes of Overwatch 2 (Image via Sportskeeda)

Dive composition became a long-lost concept in Overwatch. Since the release of Overwatch 2, the game's community has been thrilled about its return. In contrast to other popular comps like Rush, Brawl, etc., which are mostly static and pick-focused, Dive allows assertive dominance over your enemies, making you feel the thrill of the game. Combining such with raw mechanical skills becomes a very deadly combination.

You must remember that Dive composition requires more team communication than any other composition style. Unlike any other comp, it offers players a unique and thrilling FPS experience.

Disclaimer: This article is subjective, solely reflects the author’s opinion, and is not final.

Dive heroes ranked from easiest to hardest in Overwatch 2

Due to a string of nerfs and bugs, the community considered the Dive comp dead. But after the new 5v5 meta with a single Tank, Dive comp and the well-known Dive heroes are active again.

Unlike Brawl and Poke comp playstyle, players don’t usually attack in a straight line. Players come from different angles to attack in Dive comp, but their objective remains the same. Usually, the divers go for single low-health pool targets or the players who prefer playing detached from the main group.

Here’s a guide to help you know better about dive comps and which character to master in Overwatch. This article will discuss 4 generic Tanks, 4 Supports, and 5 DPS heroes.

13) D.Va


Among all the divers, D.Va is one of the easiest Tank heroes to play with. She is the best in terms of peeling and damage reduction. If you want to implement a Dive comp in any game mode in Overwatch 2, you should start by playing D.Va. You can use her Boosters to get onto the higher grounds and dive onto the low-health pool targets. She has a Defense Matrix that she can utilize to block any incoming projectiles from enemies.

12) Doomfist


Doomfist was originally a DPS hero in the previous iteration of Overwatch. However, after several changes, Doom was introduced as a Tank in Overwatch 2. He remains one of the traditional Tanks to play with while playing a Dive comp.

Doomfist can use his Seismic Slam to deal burst damage, followed by a Rocket Punch to push an adversary aside and finish them off. He also has Power Block to stave off enemies and their damage for a short while, letting your team regroup around you. Doom's ultimate, Meteor Strike, deals heavy damage around a huge area of impact, killing off injured enemies.

11) Winston


This genetically engineered gorilla is very much famous for the Dive comp. However, Winston is a hero who needs a lot of micromanagement. He can use his Jump Pack to dive right into the targets that are playing solo or deal some damage to enemies that are of low health. He also has a barrier that helps him absorb incoming damage. With the help of his ultimate, Winston can knock enemies out of the map and damage them severely.

10) Wrecking Ball


Former test subject Hammond is very much popular for his mobility. With the help of his Roll and Grappling Claw, he can jump right into the opponents without any hesitation. Alongside his mobility, he can overheal himself by getting an extra shield which helps him absorb the surrounding damage. It is tough to master Wrecking Ball's movement, but you will be unstoppable once you master it.

9) Moira


One of the classic diving Supports in Overwatch, Moira has been the safest choice for those who want to deal some damage. While her active healing ability is not much compared to others, the main healing spell for her is the Healing Orb. And to add context for diving, you can simply send it forward in a direction that will heal any teammate in its path. And when you feel minimal healing is needed and you can go cowabunga on the enemies, Damage Orb does the job.

8) Brigitte


Torbjorn's daughter, Brigitte, might seem like an easy hero to play. However, she is quite hard to master. Her playstyle is a bit more aggressive than any other Support hero's, thanks to her passive healing ability, Inspire. It heals her teammates for every bit of damage you deal, making Brigitte one of the best Support heroes to dive enemies.

7) Lucio


Lucio is one of the most well-known divers among the handful of Support heroes Overwatch 2 offers. He can switch between his speed boost and heal abilities using Crossfade, allowing him to break off fights easily, sometimes even helping the team with much-needed healing. Lucio can use his Amp It Up to boost speed if your team wants to rush for a target. The same can be applied to boost healing for a limited time, keeping the team alive in crucial moments.

6) Kiriko


Hailing from a Japanese ninja background, Kiriko looks to bring her healing with a bit of aggressive touch. While she can infinitely heal teammates with her Ofuda, the other hand is always ready to damage with a Kunai. You can heal and cleanse any debuff with Kiriko, all while attacking enemies. And to top it off, every headshot with her kunai gives you bonus damage. Her ultimate, Kitsune Rush, fits extremely well with the diving playstyle, giving you an attack and movement speed bonus.

5) Echo


Among all the Dive specialist DPS, Echo was the last Hero ever to be added to Overwatch 1. Echo can play both the Poke or Dive combo. Due to the lack of high-intensity shields in Dive Tanks, it’s a perk for this airborne hero to stay out of most chaos on the battlefield. It can use its Sticky bombs, which explode after a delay, followed by Tri Shot that can finish off its adversaries.

Echo uses its Focusing Beam, which channels an energy beam briefly. Targets with less than half health receive extremely high damage for it. In its ult form, it can duplicate any adversaries and use its ability to create mayhem on the battlefield.

4) Pharah


Pharah is also an airborne Hero who brings a lot of firepower to the party. While the Hero has a very high skill ceiling, once you get the hang of her, it's time for kaboom! Pharah is extremely good at poking enemies with high-damage projectiles and positional abilities. Her ultimate is one large barrage of missiles concentrated on an area of impact. She can be extremely deadly in the right hands for the Diving combo.

3) Tracer


In Dive comps, Tracer is a go-to choice for reaching the backlines. She uses her Blink to dive into the enemy backline and can kill the Support players to block off the heal inputs for the enemy team. This way, your team can also get a player advantage in intense team fights. In case of consuming damage, she can use her Recall to gain her position and health back. While using her ultimate, she launches a large bomb that sticks to any surface or unlucky foe it lands on.

2) Sombra


This Mexican hacker has a unique playstyle to other divers in Overwatch 2. Rather than going offensive early game, players should play her passively and wait for the right moment. After hacking a certain enemy, her team members can dive straight into that target. Sombra's EMP is one of the deadliest ultimate in Overwatch. It disables all the abilities of her adversaries for a span of 1.5 seconds, and by the time they get their abilities back, it is game over for them.

1) Genji


A former member of the Shimada Clan, Genji is one of the hardest divers to learn in Overwatch 2. Mastering Genji requires a lot of patience, and a player needs to understand how all the abilities work.

It's smooth sailing ahead once you adapt to the cooldowns and usage of Genji’s abilities. He brings massive explosive power combined with agility. Genji is nearly unkillable if you can use Deflect and Swift Strike properly. And as icing on the cake, the Dragon Blade ultimate allows Genji to unsheath his powerful blade that can two-shot medium HP enemies.

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