additem [item id] | Add a specific item to your inventory by typing its ID. |
buildermode [on/off] | Enable creative mode where health and enemies are disabled. |
godmode [on/off] | Turn on god mode, making you invincible. |
setcurrentday [number] | Set the current day in the game to a specific number. |
killallenemies | Instantly eliminate all enemies, mutants, and cannibals in the world. |
meatmode | Disable all active cheats. |
spawnmutant [mutant id] | Spawn a specific mutant in front of you. |
setdifficultymode [peaceful/normal/hard/hardsurvival] | Change the difficulty level (peaceful, normal, hard, or hardcore survival). |
addallitems | Add one of each item to your inventory. |
placebuiltobjects [object id] [quantity] | Place built objects in front of you, specify the quantity. |
killclosestanimal | Instantly kill the nearest animal to you. |
speedyrun [on/off] | Enable fast running for your character. |
cutdowntrees [amount/%] | Cut down a specified number or percentage of trees. |
addclothingid [clothing id] | Add specific clothing to your character’s inventory. |
setskill [skill] [value] | Set a player skill to a specific value. |
buildhack [on/off] | Enable unlimited resources and instant building. |
spawnanimal [animal name] | Spawn a specific animal in front of you (e.g., rabbit, deer). |
clearallsettings | Reset all in-game settings to default. |
killendboss | Instantly kill the final boss of the game. |
gottag [tag] | Teleport to a specific location marked with a tag. |
toggleplayerstats [on/off] | Show or hide player stats on screen. |
cutgrass [radius] | Cut grass within a specific radius. |
spawnregularfamily | Spawn 3-6 regular cannibals. |
setvariationextra [none/jacket] | Remove or add a jacket to your character. |
knockdownclosetenemy | Knock down the nearest enemy in front of you. |
revivelocalplayer | Revive yourself in multiplayer if knocked down. |
showworldposfor [object id] | Show the location of a specific object. |
energyhack | Enable infinite energy and stamina for your character. |
invisible [on/off] | Turn on or off invisibility, making you unaffected by water, mud, etc. |
placeallghosts | Place all blueprints for structures in front of you. |
clearsaveslot [mp/sp] [slot number] | Clear a save slot (multiplayer or single-player). |
knockdownallenemies | Knock down all enemies instantly. |
clear [command] | Clear the console screen for better readability. |
settimeofday [time] | Override the time of day, setting it to a specific time. |
showgamestats | Display the current game stats (e.g., hunger, health). |
cutdownalltrees | Cut down all the trees in the game world. |
setshadowlevel [setting number] | Set the shadow quality level. |
killallanimals | Kill all animals in the game world. |
setdrawdistance [setting number] | Set the render distance for objects. |
setvariationextra [none/jacket] | Add or remove a jacket for your character. |
pmactivestatelabels [on/off] | Show or hide NPC status labels (e.g., sleeping, attacking). |
faststart [on/off] | Skip the plane crash scene at the start of the game. |
killclosestmutant | Instantly kill the closest mutant. |
loghack [on/off] | Toggle infinite logs for building. |
spawnpaintedfamily | Spawn 3-6 painted cannibals. |
clearallghosts | Remove all ghost blueprints in the game. |
setgamemode [standard/creative/mod] | Switch between standard, creative, or mod game modes. |
spawnbirds [on/off] | Enable or disable bird spawns in the world. |
killallenemies | Instantly kill all enemies. |
setplayershirtmat [material id] | Change your character’s shirt material. |
killallmutants | Instantly kill all mutants in the game. |
clearoverlay | Remove the overlay display from the screen. |
spawnskinnedfamily | Spawn 3-6 skinned cannibals. |
findpassenger [passenger id] | Locate a specific passenger by their ID. |
toggleocclusionculling | Disable or enable occlusion culling (affects object rendering). |
showdebug [on/off] | Show or hide debug information on the screen. |
setplayervariation [0/1] | Change your character’s skin color variation. |
faststart [on/off] | Skip the plane crash scene at the start. |
energyhack | Activate unlimited energy and stamina. |
cleargamememories | Clear stored game data. |
spawnanimalquiet | Spawn an animal silently in the closest trap. |
advanceday | Skip forward one full day. |
clear [command] | Clear the console screen. |
cutdowntrees [amount/%] | Cut down a specified amount or percentage of trees. |
setdifficultymode [difficulty] | Set the difficulty level (peaceful, normal, hard, or survival). |
setstat [stat] [value] | Set a specific player stat to a designated value. |
showworldposfor [object id] | Display the position of a specific object. |
setplayervariation [0/1] | Change your character’s appearance based on skin variation. |
devicedebuginformation [on/off] | Toggle device debug information on or off. |
showgamestats | Show current game stats like hunger and health. |
setshadowlevel [setting number] | Adjust the shadow quality level. |
togglesheenbillboards [on/off] | Enable or disable sheen billboards. |
loghack [on/off] | Toggle infinite log collection. |
showdebug [on/off] | Display debug information. |
killclosestenemy | Instantly kill the closest enemy. |
clearallghosts | Remove all blueprint ghosts in the game. |
clearallsettings | Reset all game settings to their default state. |
setdrawdistance [setting number] | Set the render distance in the game. |
spawnpaintedfamily | Spawn 3-6 painted cannibals to create chaos. |
clearallsettings | Reset all game settings to their default values. |