Amitbhai and TheDonato are popular Free Fire content creators hailing from India and Argentina, respectively. While the former has 8.57 million subscribers on YouTube, the latter boasts a subscriber count of 23.1 million on the platform.
This article compares the two YouTubers' stats in Garena Free Fire.
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Amitbhai’s Free Fire ID and stats
Amitbhai’s Free Fire ID is 206746194.
Lifetime stats

Amitbhai has played 7875 squad games and has secured 2175 victories, maintaining a win rate of 27.61%. He has registered 20398 kills at a K/D ratio of 3.58 in this mode.
When it comes to the duo mode, the Indian content creator has played 4171 matches and has triumphed in 731 of them, translating to a win rate of 17.52%. He has bagged 10945 frags in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 3.18.
Amitbhai has also played 3310 solo games and has won on 268 occasions, making his win rate 8.09%. He has 7392 kills at a K/D ratio of 2.43 in this mode.
Ranked stats

Amitbhai has played 483 squad matches in the ongoing ranked season and has won on 483 occasions, translating to a win rate of 21.11%. He has 1235 frags in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 3.24.
The popular YouTuber has also played 220 ranked duo games and has 29 victories to his name, maintaining a win rate of 13.18%. With a K/D ratio of 3.24, he has 619 kills in this mode.
Amitbhai has 10 wins in the 121 solo matches that he has played, making his win rate 8.26%. He has 391 kills in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 3.52.
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TheDonato’s Free Fire ID and stats
TheDonato’s Free Fire ID is 219110511.
Lifetime stats

TheDonato has played 2237 squad games and has emerged victorious in 826 of them, making his win rate of 36.92%. He has 11955 kills at a K/D ratio of 8.47 in this mode.
The Argentine YouTuber has also played 1898 duo matches and has 747 Booyahs, translating to a win rate of 39.35%. With 10467 kills to his name in these matches, he has a K/D ratio of 9.09.
TheDonato has played 1492 solo matches and has triumphed in 420 of them, maintaining a win rate of 28.15%. He has 7785 frags at a K/D ratio of 7.26 in this mode.
Ranked stats

In the current ranked season, TheDonato has played 28 squad games and has 5 wins, translating to a win rate of 17.85%. He has racked up 95 kills in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 4.13.
The streamer has also played 121 ranked duo matches and has 48 victories to his name, maintaining a win rate of 39.66%. He has 686 kills at a K/D ratio of 9.40 in this mode.
TheDonato has not played any solo ranked matches.
Note: The stats in this article were recorded at the time of writing. They may change as the content creators continue to play more games in Free Fire.
In the lifetime solo, duo and squad matches, TheDonato has the edge over Amitbhai in terms of K/D ratio and win rate.
It is not possible to compare the two content creators' stats in the ranked solo mode as TheDonato has not played any game in the mode yet.
However, when it comes to the ranked squad matches, Amitbhai has a higher win rate, while TheDonato has a better K/D ratio. Meanwhile, TheDonato has better stats than Amitbhai in the ranked duo games.
Also read: Raistar vs PK Parwez (PK Gamers): Who has better stats in Garena Free Fire?
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