Despite its popularity across the globe, Among Us has a lot of hidden features and Easter eggs on offer that most players have no clue about.
Initially released in 2018 by InnerSloth, Among Us is a multi-player social deduction game. One of the most popular games today, Among Us has a lot of hidden easter eggs on offer for players to discover. Starting from seasonal cosmetics and rejoining disconnected games to being called "SpaceMafia," Among Us has a lot of hidden features for players to find.
Let's take a look at some of these hidden features in Among Us.
Easter Eggs in Among Us
#5 The April Fool's day Skeld prank
To witness this Easter Egg, the player needs to set the date on the device that they are using to play Among Us to 1 April. The player needs to launch the game after making the date changes and host a Skeld lobby. Upon entering the game, the player will then be able to see that the entire map has been mirrored. This effect can be reversed by simply changing the date back.
#4 Christmas Hats
Similar to the April Fool's hidden feature, Among Us also allows players to unlock Christmas Hats by changing the date on their device to 25 December. These hats have to be unlocked by purchasing them from the in-game store on mobile devices. However, the hats are free to claim for PC players and these hats will remain in those accounts forever once they have been claimed. That means, if the player changes the date back after claiming the hat, it will remain in their account.
#3 Rejoining a disconnected game
Although Among Us public lobbies can be frustrating at times, yet players can often find themselves in a nice lobby with friendly players. However, getting disconnected from one of those lobbies owing to server disconnections or device crashes can be annoying.
Luckily, Among Us does have a feature that allows players to reconnect to public lobbies which they were disconnected from. Pressing the arrow beside the "Enter Code" button without entering a code will place the player back into the disconnected lobby unless the game is already underway or the lobby has been filled.
#2 Clearing the Sensor Log
In the beta version of Among Us, which is available for PC players on Steam, there is a hidden feature that allows impostors to clear sensor logs. The Impostor needs to initiate a Sabotage in "Comms" to clear the sensor logs in the beta version. Even if the sabotage is stopped by the crewmates, upon rebooting, the entire sensor log will be cleared. Thus, making it even more difficult for the crewmates to gather evidence against the Impostor.
#1 The Blinking Admin Console
This is something that very few Among Us players know about. The admin console present in the Admin Room not only allows players to keep an eye on the map but also blinks whenever a murder takes place on the map.
Checking the admin console when the light starts blinking is usually a very good method to determine the Impostor's identity.