Hackers are probably the most annoying aspect of any multiplayer game, in comparison to lag/latency issues, and it isn't astounding to see hackers making their way into Among Us as well.
This article focuses on the everyday hacks which people tend to use in Among Us, so that our readers can spot anyone acting slightly 'sus' and then give them the boot accordingly.
Among Us Hack #1: Being able to see the imposter
This Among Us hack is the easiest of the lot when it comes to spotting. It defeats the entire purpose of the game, but for some reason, people do resort to using it as well. Irrespective of being a crewmate or a fellow imposter, this hack allows the user to see who the imposter is even before the session begins.
If someone starts throwing accusations even before any suspicious activity is detected, you may have a hacker in your midst. Although, there are very few people who are daft enough to make such a silly mistake. Almost anything is possible when it comes to an online gaming community.
Among Us Hack #2: No Cooldown timer
This is one of the smarter Among Us hacks out there but is equally frustrating as any other hack in the market. Cooldown timers can be played around with using the server settings and can range from 10-60 seconds, thereby preventing the imposters from going on a killing spree.
This hack can be quite hard to detect if the hacker is stealthy enough. However, if players have a good knowledge of the Among Us cooldown timer and can time the interval between two kills, spotting the hacker won't be that difficult.

Among Us Hack #3: Long-range kills
Long-range kills are difficult for everyone to spot, except if you're the one who's been killed. Not the best seat in the house to call out a hacker but it is what it is. If you see yourself being killed with the imposter nowhere in sight, or if the imposter is slightly away from you, and the kill does seem illegitimate, then make sure you communicate it with your fellow crewmates and get the hacker kicked off the ship.
Among Us Hack #4: Running faster
It's boring and tedious to have your character move so slow in the game. However, that is what makes Among Us an exciting game, because effective navigation is essential. This hack is utilized by crewmates and imposters alike, giving them an unfair boost in the game.
Now that you know what to look for in the game, make sure to kick those hackers when you see them. And play fair, because all of us want to have fun. Don't hack!