Among Us, developed by InnerSloth, is an online murder-mystery game running on the Unity Game Engine. It is available for players on Android, iOS, and Steam (for PC) platforms.
Despite its release in 2018, Among Us received global recognition in 2020. Among Us, one of the most colorful games available, lets players completely customize their attire, including the color of their character. Among Us allows players to play three distinct maps, each with their own features.
The Maps in Among Us
Primarily, Among Us was released in 2018 with only one map, The Skeld. Later on, in August 2019, the second map of Among Us, Mira HQ, was released, followed by the release of the third and final (so far) map in Among Us, Polus, which is also the largest map in Among Us.
The Skeld
The primary map in Among Us, The Skeld, is set on a spaceship that has a total of 14 rooms in the game. Namely, these rooms are:
- Cafeteria
- Weapons
- Navigation
- O2
- Shields
- Communications
- Storage
- Admin
- Electrical
- Lower Engine
- Security
- Reactor
- Upper Engine
- MedBay
There is a total of four vent connections between the aforementioned rooms on The Skeld in Among Us. The vent connections are as follows:
- Cafeteria, Admin, and the hallway above shields are adjoined with vents.
- MedBay, electrical, and security are adjoined with vents.
- Weapons and shields are interconnected with vents.
- The Upper Engine and the Lower Engine are connected to the reaction with vents.
On 1st April 2020, the layout and textures of the map were reversed by the developers at InnerSloth to make the ship appear as if it were flying backward. Even going to the extent of renaming the map 'the dlekS.'
Mira HQ
The second map to be introduced in Among Us, Mira HQ, is set somewhere in the high altitude regions of the Earth's atmosphere and the recurring company, MIRA.
The Mira HQ map has a lesser number of rooms compared to The Skeld, with 13 rooms in total. The rooms in Mira HQ are as follows:
- Launchpad
- Reactor
- Decontamination
- Laboratory
- Locker Room
- Communications
- MedBay
- Storage
- Cafeteria
- Balcony
- Office
- Admin
- Greenhouse
Unlike the other maps in Among Us, all the vents in Mira HQ are interconnected, which means that an imposter can perform much more efficiently while using vents and appearing almost anywhere they want to on the map.
The final map to be released on Among Us, Polus, was launched into the game on 12th November 2019. Polus is set as a planetary base for crewmates on the planet Polus.
In spite of having the lowest number of rooms in Among Us with a meager 10 rooms across the map, Polus is a spacious map that is larger in area than both the previous maps in Among Us. The rooms in Polus are:
- Security
- O2
- Electrical
- Communications
- Weapons
- Office
- Admin
- Specimen Room
- Laboratory
- Storage
There are a total of four vent connections available on Polus, which are:
- Electrical, Security, and O2 are connected through vents
- The North-West and North-East Corridors are connected through vents
- Laboratory is connected to Admin and the South Corridor through vents
- Storage, Communications, and the South Corridor are connected through vents.
If 'Confirm Ejects' is turned on, a crewmate, when voted out, will try to reach out before sinking into the lava, whereas an imposter would instead show a 'thumbs up' sign before sinking into the lava, which is in reference to the climax of the movie, Terminator 2.