Among Us: Ultimate Security Guide, an in depth look at all security features in the game

(Image Credit: Screen Rant)
(Image Credit: Screen Rant)

So after deciding to look into tasks and sabotages in Among Us it became apparent that I was overlooking one other aspect: security. Each map in Among Us has its own security features, ranging from vitals monitors to cameras and hall logs. Some of these security features are more beneficial than others, but knowing how to use them will help you in your future games of Among Us.


All security features in Among Us

Each map in Among Us has its own assortment of security features. The list of security features are as follows:

  • Admin Map (All Maps)
  • Cameras (The Skeld, Polus)
  • Door Logs (MIRA HQ)
  • Vitals Monitor (Polus)

One important note about security features in Among Us is that these shouldn’t be thought of as a silver bullet method of identifying imposters. Instead, these simply allow the crew to provide a greater deal of information when meetings get called, such as player movement and the general locations where each person has been.


Crewmates shouldn’t expect to rely on seeing a kill on camera to catch an imposter. Instead, you should use it to keep track of player movement and help the crew figure out who was last with the most recent victim.

Using the Admin Map in Among Us


The Admin Map is the only security feature available on all maps, and knowing how to use it can go a long way to helping identify imposters. When you bring up the admin map, you will see major rooms highlighted in a bright green, while hallways have a dimmer green coloring. The admin map will show how many people are in each room, but won’t identify who they are, and can’t see specifically where they are in each room.


On The Skeld, the Admin Map is in the center of the map, on Polus it’s south of the meeting room, and on MIRA HQ it’s on north wing south of the greenhouse.

Additionally, the Admin Map only identifies who is in a room, it doesn’t say whether that person is alive or dead, so if you see someone in a room for a long time it might be a good idea to check up on them.


The Admin Map is most useful for verifying the locations when a meeting is called. If someone says they were in a room but weren’t on the map then you know they were lying for some reason.

Additionally the Admin Map does show someone in the room if they’re in a vent located in that room. If you notice someone seeming to bounce from room to room, it might be worth it to call an emergency meeting and see where everyone is.


Imposters in Among Us can use this map to their advantage as well though. On MIRA HQ, where the vents are all connected, it can be used to locate an isolated crewmate for a quick kill.

Using the Cameras in Among Us


The Cameras in Among Us are one of the easiest to use security tools in the game, and are available on both The Skeld and Polus, though they operate slightly differently. On The Skeld, the Cameras show four locations simultaneously, while on Polus the Cameras show one of six locations that the player can swap between at will.

On The Skeld, the security room featuring the cameras is on the far left near the reactor, while on Polus the security room is on the top left near electrical.


On The Skeld, the cameras show the hallway intersection that leads to the reactor, security, and two engine rooms, the hallway north of medbay, the hallway between the cafeteria, storage, and admin rooms, and the hallway between weapons, O2, and navigation.As a result, The Skeld’s Cameras work very well in conjunction with the Admin Map as a coordinated Among Us crew can use both to have a good guess of where everyone was.


On Polus, the cameras show the north entrance of the left building, the south entrance into the left building, the area to the right of communications, the south entrance into the office, the east entrance into the office, and the north entrance into the laboratory. As a result, Polus’s cameras are more for keeping track of Among Us players moving around the center of the map.

While the cameras can be useful for witnessing someone killing or venting right in front of them, it’s more useful to check which parts of the map have activity and which parts don’t. If there seems to be a lot of activity in one area, it might be worthwhile to check in on it and make sure there wasn’t a kill nearby. If there is, you can use what you saw on the cameras to see who was in what building or in which area.


Using the Vitals Monitor in Among Us


The Vitals Monitor in Among Us is only available on Polus, and frequently gets used poorly. Often someone will watch vitals and, upon witnessing a kill, will immediately call an emergency meeting to report it.

However, this usually results in everyone simply stating where they were, asking if anyone had seen the victim recently (which no one usually has), and then realizing that no one has enough information to accuse anyone.


If you do see someone die on vitals, it might be worth it to check their last known location and make note of anyone you run into along the way, that way when you find their body you can say not only where they died but exactly when as well.

However, sometimes you have no idea where they could be. If this is the case, instead make a quick stop to check the Admin Map to see where people are generally located. At least that way you’ll have another piece of information to provide your Among Us playgroup when you call the emergency meeting.


Imposters should keep an eye on the Vitals Monitor as well. If you notice that your partner had gotten a kill, you might want to consider calling an emergency meeting to hide the kill location. This can be even better if you can kill someone immediately before calling the meeting, if someone else is watching the Vitals as well.

Using the Doorlogs in Among Us


The Doorlogs are perhaps the hardest and most underused security feature in Among Us. The reason for this is that it is only available on MIRA HQ, and they provide the least information and require the most effort to use. While the Vitals Monitor and Cameras provide clear information, the Doorlogs only tell you only whether someone has crossed a sensor in the main hallway.

The Doorlogs can be read on the south side of the map, immediately above the medbay in MIRA HQ. This location is far away from the Admin Map and the Emergency Button, further contributing to their underuse in Among Us.


In theory, the Doorlogs are meant to catch if someone is venting across the map. If someone makes their way past the north sensor and is later seen crossing the southwest sensor you can be reasonably confident that they vented around the map.

However, that requires keeping track of a lot of information, and can often get muddled up if your Among Us playgroup moves through the halls a lot. Furthermore, this can be easily avoided by an imposter who knows someone is watching the Doorlogs. Finally, the Admin Map accomplishes many of the same things the Doorlogs do without needing nearly as much mental effort.


Nevertheless, occasionally your Among Us playgroup may be able to put the Doorlogs to use, as the simple log of who moved where and in what order can be vitally important information for figuring out who an imposter is.

Final Notes on security features in Among Us

One thing to consider is that all of these security features in Among Us can be temporarily disabled if the imposter calls a Communications sabotage. If your Among Us playgroup seems to be quite capable at using these kinds of features, you may consider sabotaging Communications in order to temporarily remove one of their tools from the game.

However, just knowing what these security features do can go a long way towards helping imposters get around them. Alternatively, you shouldn’t ignore these when playing crewmates either. Sometimes just a little information can be all you need to figure out who the imposter is in a tense situation.

Edited by Izaak
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