Once you arrive in Paradis in Avowed, you immediately begin An Untimely End, because you die! An assassin has it out for you, and shoots you with a poison bolt/arrow. Thankfully, since you’re the protagonist, it’s not the end for you, and a mysterious force and voice keep you alive. With a new lease on life, it’s time to find that killer and see what’s going on! There are a few ways to tackle this quest, which is nice.
Ultimately, you’ll have to decide the fate of your “killer” at the end of Avowed’s An Untimely End, and we’ll give you our recommendation on what you should do. It will aid you in a quest or two down the line.
Note: This guide features spoilers for the An Untimely End quest in Avowed.
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How to complete An Untimely End in Avowed
Quest objectives:
- Report to the Ambassador
- Find Marius in the Grinning Balarok
- Investigate the Scene of the Crime
- Speak with the Apothecarist
- Search for More Clues About Your Assassin (Investigate Temple of Ondra, Claviger’s Estate)
- Enter the Cistern Beneath The Temple of Ondra
- Track Down Your Killer
- Return to the Ambassador
- Find the Watcher

An Untimely End is a lengthy main story quest in Avowed, and will take you across Dawnshore. I recommend doing some exploring before taking on this quest, such as completing side quests and bounties. It will give you more fast travel locations, and give you a greater amount of strength/better gear.
However, you can begin An Untimely End pretty much anytime you want after you recover. You can start on it, and come back to it as well - which is great because exploring Dawnshore will lead you to so many quests and optional encounters.
Report to the Ambassador and find Marius in the Grinning Balarok
At first, you’ll have two objectives - Report to the Ambassador and Find the Watcher. I waited for the watcher until later in the quest, since they’re quite a ways out in the wilderness. You may decide to do it another way in Avowed’s An Untimely End quest and that’s fine.
You’ll find the Ambassador at the quest marker in town - it’s very easy to find. It’s near LIviana’s Clinic, and not too far from the Grinning Balarok. Feel free to be nosy and read all the lore books in the Embassy as well - there’s plenty of them. When you’re ready, speak to the Ambassador.

He’ll ask you a few questions about how you feel, and then you’ll give him your Missive from the Emperor. You can potentially squeeze a bit of money out of the ambassador with four Might, but I instead opted to be serious and focus on the Dreamscourge. You’ll also learn about Inquisitor Lodwyn, who thinks the Dreamscourge is just a distraction.
Lodwyn also wants the killer - or attempted killer - to hang as a part of Avowed’s An Untimely End. You don’t have to agree, or even do it. Kai, at this point will recommend you hire his friend Marius. There’s not a better tracker in the whole of the Living Lands, either. He’s at the nearby bar, The Grinning Balarok, for the next step of Avowed’s An Untimely End.
Head to the bar when you’re ready, and you’ll have a small chat with Marius. The quest marker will take you right to him. However, he’s incredibly drunk and dealing with some other locals. Offer to step in, and try to keep things friendly, and point out that you have the Emperor’s ear. They’ll leave.

After a small chat, the Marius will join you. A Ranger class, he can use Binding Roots and Hunter’s Sense as abilities. He’s definitely worth having on your team at this time. He’ll make bounties much easier to claim, if you’ve waited.
Investigate the scene of the crime in Avowed’s An Untimely End and speak to the Apothecarist
Now you need to investigate the scene of the crime - specifically where the assassin was standing when he shot you in Avowed. Follow Quest Marker B to get there. This spot leads you to the huge bloodstain where you fell initially. Marius highlights a spot he’d have used to do the deed, and recommends we go there.

Climb the boxes and ledges to the right of the Embassy - very convenient that someone shot you from there, isn’t it? Just make your way to the top, for this step of Avowed’s An Untimely End. You’ll find a bow after doing some jumping across planks as well.
Drop down into the nearby courtyard to defeat some spiders as well. A dead Aedyran Soldier is here, so loot their body for a Health Potion. There’s another series of platforms and planks to climb in this courtyard, so start going higher. Before long, you’ll find the proverbial Crow’s Nest - where a few arrows, and a jar of poison are sitting around.
Marius will say it’s an incredible poison and it definitely was designed to kill. He’ll give you the location of the Apothecarist who likely made it, so you can go question him about the sale - and hopefully gain some more information for Avowed’s An Untimely End quest. Fast travel using the Eastern Paradis Gate Beacon, and head northwest to the Apothecary - it’s just beyond The Mermaid’s Den, where you complete A Lady Never Tells.

When you arrive, the Apothecarist is being harassed by some goons. Since they were criminals, I didn’t bother to reason with them, and just cut them down. A simple Blizzard spell and they all melted the first group. A few more show up, then the boss, Thalla The Taskmaster comes charging in.
They’re fond of charging in with a greatclub and swinging down, so keep enough stealth to dodge, and blast away at them with the weapon of your choice - mine was magic. This is also a great time to use Marius’s Binding Roots from the radial, to keep this enemy from running around.
Blizzard shreds through his HP and really helps build stun, so that’s the strategy I recommend - otherwise, use whatever spells you have on hand, and keep getting out of the way of his greatclub. They aren’t much of a threat. Kai can hold aggro for the most part, and you can easily build stun to take him out.

When you’re done, speak to the Apothecarist, who is understandably spooked - you just killed a significant number of Sparrowhawks - a local gang. Show him the Poison Flask, and inquire about it, after being polite to him. He’ll claim to have made the poison. Inform him the assassin is a local, after he claims he can’t divulge the information.
He’ll open up about it - someone in a monk’s cowl bought the poison, but he never saw their face. After the chat ends, you’ve got two areas to investigate in Avowed - The Temple of Ondra, and The Claviger’s Estate.
Search for more clues about your assassin in Avowed’s An Untimely End
While you can search either location first, I chose The Claviger’s Estate. You need to get into Northern Paradis, which can be done from the Administration District Beacon, in the north of town. However, since you’re in Sparrowhawk Territory, you can’t fast travel right now. The whole gang wants to kill you, so you’ll have to fight your way free.

Take your time and fight through the packs of enemies that show up, and make your way towards Marker C. You’re going to have to run though, since fast travel is turned off at the moment. Get the drop on the Sparrowhawk groups if you can - magic makes that quite efficient. After you beat the last group of Sparrowhawks, you’ll be able to fast travel again.
Once you’re out of combat, you should see the icon in the top left of the screen disappear. Now you can fast travel to the Administration District Beacon. However, you have more fighting to do. Paradisan Rebels wait for you here, and you need to defeat them before you proceed. They aren’t a great threat, though. Destroy them and head north up the steps, and into the next part of Paradis.

Both objectives are in this part of town - you want to head to Marker C for now. You’ll also have to occasionally deal with more packs of Rebels, so take them out as you go. Once you get to the Claviger’s estate, you’ll see it’s in a shambles - plenty of corpses everywhere. It looks like someone got here before you.
Open the door on the right side (near the fountain), and you’ll immediately aggro several bandits inside the now ransacked house. It’s quite a few of them, some come prepared. I counted six or so bandits, with weapons varying from bows to greathammers. Thankfully, you aren’t alone either. AOE Magic makes these fights pretty easy, too. Loot the bodies and go back inside if you need to. I pulled most of them out into the courtyard.
Loot whatever you want in this house - there’s nothing to stop you, so grab all the foods and potions you see. When you’re ready for the search to begin in Avowed, head up the large stairs to go to the next floor. You’ll either need the Claviger’s Estate Key - which I didn’t find - or 3 Lockpicks - which I did have.

Open the door, and rummage through his stuff. There’s a dagger on the floor, and a Health Potion in one of the dressers. Go upstairs to open a yellow-glowing chest, for the White Key Cameo Unique Amulet (Restore 50% of your Maximum Health when reviving a Companion), 39 Copper Skeyt, Common Sword and Primal Flame.
Head back down, and go to where Marius is squatting, next to the Claviger’s overturned desk. There’s a key here, and a Secret Journal Page. Turns out, the Claviger was working with the Rebels the whole time! The key will let you into a hideout in the Temple of Ondra.
Before going to the Temple of Ondra, I decided to Find the Watcher - the fastest fast travel is The Rise Party Camp. It’s also a good time to upgrade gear, and talk to your allies, if there are conversations waiting. From there, head northwest, which will take you to the Shrine of Woedica.

You’ll find a broken bridge, but the game will teach you to make ice on the water, to have a platform to stand on. Do this, climb up and get on the other side of the bridge to progress in Avowed’s An Untimely End quest. Head up the path, and eventually, you’ll reach The Watcher - if you see two bears, that’s the wrong fork in the road.
Instead, you’ll veer right in Avowed and wind up jumping across some wooden planks. Enter Runyd’s House, and you’ll begin your chat with The Watcher. Interestingly enough, there’s also an invitation from the Claviger here you can read.
Go through the motions and say you’re supposed to receive a “clean bill of health”, since you died and came back. Follow her instructions to make this as simple as possible, repeating what she says. She’ll have an interaction with The Voice that’s been following you around as well.

Once this is all done, return to Northern Paradis, and enter the Temple of Ondra. If you already have the Street of the Gods beacon, use that to get there faster. Enter the temple and speak to the woman, Elowe. Ask her about suspicious people, and the local rebels.
Make her admit the Claviger gave her the key to the cistern, and she’ll immediately drop the act. She will openly admit she’s with the resistance against Aedyr. You can get some answers about what the resistance wants if you’d like, as well.
At this point, if you have 4 Might you can bully her into turning herself in, you can let her go, tell her to leave, or, if you’re feeling bloodthirsty, you can kill her. I chose the Might Option, which then led to “Turn yourself in or I send in Inquisitor Lodwyn. She’ll agree reluctantly and Avowed's An Untimely End will proceed.
Enter the cistern beneath the Temple and Track Down Your Killer
Unlock the nearby door and follow the path down, so you can Track Down Your Killer. Head into the first main area, where you’ll almost immediately aggro some Rebels as well as a spider or two. You can use the electric lily in the previous room to throw in the water to damage the Rebels as well.

There’s a locked door here - you can’t get in here quite yet. Instead, break through the breakable wood panels on the opposite side of the room for this Avowed dungeon. Watch out for the dart traps in here! They inflict poison as well as regular damage. There’s a switch on the wall that will turn them off as well. Use Kai’s ability to burn through the nearby spiderwebs, to proceed.
There are some spiders in this next room to fight, so deal with them quickly. If one hits you with poison spit, and you have Springberries, you can remove the poison immediately. Your godlike heal can also do that. Head into the spiderweb-filled cave nearby, and follow the path.
Naturally, there are more spiders in here in this part of Avowed's An Untimely End. Afterwards, if you go the opposite direction of the quest marker, you’ll see a breakable wall - using a skill like Charge. It leads to another room, where you can loot an Essence Potion, and the contents of a backpack. There’s also a web to burn away for a treasure chest (1 lockpick required) that contains 10 Gold Scellings, 12 Silver Fennings, Agate, Paradisan Ladder, Common Robe, Pelt, Iron Chunk, and Beetle Shell. Get back on track after this, following the quest marker.

You’ll need to make some ice on the water again, so cast the Blizzard spell, or throw the item you find along the wall - it will create ice. Conveniently, there’s one as soon as you head into this area - Eye of Rymrgand. Climb up, and once again, return to the path. You’ll find some water, with an orange-glowing quest item up on a spot too high to reach.
Make an ice platform and jump up, and claim the Lower Cistern Key! That makes the next step of Avowed’s An Untimely Death quest nice and easy. Follow the path you’re on up, unlock the door, and keep going. Time to make another ice platform on the water, and climb up.
Avowed teaches you here that some grates are freezable as well, so do that here to progress. Drop down into the next area, which puts you back at the start! Go unlock the door from the beginning, and go through. Time to deal with traps! Swinging blades and a Ranger make this infuriating. I just ran through at the right times and killed them when I got close enough.

The ranger will try to open the door to alert help, but if you kill them fast enough, they won’t get a chance. Unfortunately, I wasn’t fast enough. You will have to fight the room full of rebels either way in Avowed. There’s also a treasure chest to loot in here (requires 1 lockpick) that contains 29 Copper Skeyt, Agate, Paradisan Ladder, 2 Softwood Branches, Iron Chunk, Pelt, and Primal Wind. When you’re done looting, go through the door the quest marker leads you to.
Predictably, it’s another room full of rebels. You can kind of get the drop on them if you’re careful and slow. Climb up the nearby wooden platforms after you defeat the few Rebels in here, and you’ll find a lone Paradisan Rebel. You will find a treasure chest next to her, containing 12 Copper Skeyt and a Pelt.
Follow this path in Avowed, across a series of wooden platforms, and follow the route until you get to the assassin. However, you don’t have to fight here. Ygwulf, the assassin, will let you chat with him. You can choose to let him go, and have him explain why you were a target.

Ygwulf feels that the gods spared you from death for a reason, and thus, he no longer has any interest in killing you. You can have him arrested, you can fight him, or you can do what we did - let him go. Let him go, and tell him that he made a mistake, but the gods corrected it.
If you do, it will make a quest in the next region much easier - the Food Theft quest in Emerald Stair. It’s entirely up to you how this plays out. He’ll give you a key, and you’re free to go without combat. Loot the chest on your way out, and leave the Temple of Ondra.
Return to the Ambassador in Avowed’s An Untimely End

Head back to speak to the ambassador when you’re ready, and you’ll also meet Inquisitor Lowdwyn for the first time. If you spared the assassin and admit it, both of them are going to be quite upset. I told the ambassador that the assassin was following a prophecy, and that I let them go.
Next, he’ll send you to the Emerald Stair to look into animancy in Avowed and the Dreamscourge, but before you can go, the Inquisitor will arrive. Tell her you experienced the Dreamscourge firsthand. She knows the killer went unpunished, and she’s not thrilled about it. The choices at this point are yours, but I went with “You two would be stronger together than apart”. After the conversation, An Untimely End wraps up in Avowed,
Avowed releases on February 18, 2025, for PC and Xbox Series X|S platforms. If you purchase the Premium Edition, you can tour the Living Lands earlier, with your journey beginning on February 13, 2025.
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