Much to the delight of Indian PUBG Mobile players, Battlegrounds Mobile India’s Early Access/Open Beta has been initiated on the Android platform. After a long wait, they would be able to try out their much-beloved game.
Players can download BGMI on their devices to have a glance at what the game is set to offer. They can do that using the APK and OBB files or via the Google Play Store.
Here is a detailed step-by-step guide on downloading Battlegrounds Mobile India on Android devices.
How to download Battlegrounds Mobile India using APK+ OBB files and Google Play Store
APK and OBB files
Battlegrounds Mobile India APK: Click here
Battlegrounds Mobile India OBB: Click here
Battlegrounds Mobile India APK for Android 9 devices: Click here
Battlegrounds Mobile India OBB for Android 9 devices: Click here
The size of the APK file is 72 MB, whereas the OBB file is 637 MB. Therefore, players must ensure that sufficient storage is available on their phones.
Step 1: Users must download both APK and OBB files of Battlegrounds Mobile India using the links provided above.
Step 2: Next, install the APK file, but do not open it yet. Users will have to change the name of the OBB file to “”
Step 3: After doing that, paste the OBB to Android/OBB/com.pubg.imobile (a folder with this name has to be created by players if it doesn’t exist)
Step 4: Once all this is done, gamers must open the application of Battlegrounds Mobile India and select between either of the two Resource Packs.
Step 5: Finally, they can log in to enjoy playing the special Indian version of PUBG Mobile.
As announced in the social media post by the developers, the progress of the Early Access will be saved and available with the final release. They've stated:
Also, your in-game progress and purchases will be stored and available in the final version of the game.
Google Play Store
Users can also avail Battlegrounds Mobile India on their devices via the Google Play Store. However, they need to be a part of the Beta Program in order to download it.
Users can click on the link given below to join the program:
Beta Program: Click here.
Note: The APK+OBB files may not work for users who have not pre-registered for the game.