After a long and eager wait, Battlegrounds Mobile India rolled out a beta testing program on June 17, 2021. Some pre-registered users were lucky enough to play the game and get the first experience. Others managed to get APK files and install the game.
As such, Battlegrounds Mobile India is exclusively for India with some customized in-game functions. However, the Royale Pass season seems to be in sync with the global version of PUBG Mobile.
This means that BGMI players would be a part of season 19 with the rest of the world. For BGMI players, the Elite Pass is available for 600 UC, and Elite Pass Plus costs 1800 UC.
What are the free RP Rewards for season 19?
The first RP rewards are three Supply Crate Coupon Scraps. Meanwhile, for RP three, players can get five RP Badge Vouchers for season 19.
Next, for RP nine, players can get a heart emote that can be used in Cheer Park.
RP 15 gives players the Flex Muscles emote, and RP 17 gives 1000 BP. Players can unlock a 'Like It' Emote upon reaching RP 19. It can be used in the Cheer Park.
The Scarab Totem Parachute can be unlocked in RP 30.
The Alien - UMP45 can be unlocked at RP 45.
Other than this, players can get BPs, silver, crate coupons, badge vouchers, and other cards as the remaining RP rewards.
What does Battlegrounds Mobile India look like?
As soon as some fans got their hands on the new game, social media burgeoned with snapshots and gameplay clips of BGMI.
The gameplay resembles PUBG Mobile with some changes. Along with some visual changes, BGMI sends out a few disclaimers.
Apart from this, Battlegrounds Mobile India has some plans for hosting a BGMI tournament. However, no official announcements have been made regarding this.