Beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2

Here are a few beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 (Image via Focus Entertainment))
Here are a few beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 (Image via Focus Entertainment))

If you are new to the grimdark, you'll need a few beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2. Granted, you can go into this hellscape and experience things first-hand; learn on the go, and come out victorious, but knowing what you're getting into will make a lot of difference.


It is time to talk about a few do's and don'ts in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2.

NOTE: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinion.

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The God Emperor has provided 18 (20?) beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2

1) Titus can and will die in combat, don't be an Ork and charge in headfirst

Titus being overwhelmed by a Ravener (Image via Focus Entertainment)
Titus being overwhelmed by a Ravener (Image via Focus Entertainment)

One of the first beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 that you need to know is that Titus can be killed. Yes, he's a Primaris Marine; better, faster, and stronger than Firstborn, but he's not invincible.


After sustaining a Mortal Wound in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2, Titus will fall in battle should you exceed the damage threshold. You will then respawn at the nearest checkpoint. It's not a bad thing, but it will slow down your progress.

2) Establish a firing line with other Adeptus Astartes when Tyranids charge

Fire and Fury (Image via Focus Entertainment)
Fire and Fury (Image via Focus Entertainment)

When it comes to beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2, it's important to understand the concept of a firing line. If given a chance to gun down the enemy before they reach you, remember to embrace this opportunity; don't hesitate to send bolter rounds down range.


Hold the line with your fellow Adeptus Astartes and use the many ranged weapons in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 to make quick work of the enemy. Thin the herd before you need to engage them in glorious melee combat.

3) Conserve Medicae Stimms for when needed

Conserve Medicae Stimms (Image via Focus Entertainment)
Conserve Medicae Stimms (Image via Focus Entertainment)

Many players still struggle to understand the complexity of how to heal in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2. There are a few ways to heal, but the most convenient method is to shoot up Medicae Stimms. They restore health instantaneously and let you get back into the fray to kill more Xenos.


The only downside to Medicae Stimms is that they are a bit tricky to come by. For this reason, one of the most important beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 is to know when to use Medicae Stimms.

Don't inject yourself if you're missing a bit of HP. Wait until you lose a significant amount of health before injecting yourself. This will ensure that they are used only when most needed. You can stack up to two Medicae Stimms at any given time. You can also use a Guardian Relic in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 to save yourself from dying, but they are rather rare.


4) Don't be hesitant to use your ability, it recharges

In the Emperor's name, the Xenos shall be purged (Image via Focus Entertainment)
In the Emperor's name, the Xenos shall be purged (Image via Focus Entertainment)

Whether you're playing as Titus or one of the other playable Primaris Marines, you should not hesitate to use your abilities in combat. One of the most important beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 is to remember that special abilities recharge. There is no harm in using them as and when needed.


This is especially true if you're playing the Campaign Missions as Titus. His Righteous Fury ability lets you rapidly recover health. If you use your melee attack on enemies, you can recover some health per strike. Given how taxing it can be to heal in Space Marine 2, this is a great alternative to using Medicae Stimms. Remember to try out all classes in Space Marine 2 to test their abilities in combat.


5) Parry, dodge, and counter are essential for survival

The only good Xeno is a dead one (Image via Focus Entertainment)
The only good Xeno is a dead one (Image via Focus Entertainment)

Do you want to live longer than the average lifespan of an Imperial Guardsman in action? If the answer is yes, you need to pay close attention to these next set of beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2.


Knowing how to fight is great, but you need to do so tactfully. Carving a patch through targets is going to get you killed eventually. There are numerous types of enemies in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2, and when they charge at you together, a Chainsword is not going to be your saving grace.

You need to learn to parry, dodge, and counter-attack whenever possible. This will ensure you do not lose health. Consider playing as the Vanguard Class in Space Marine 2 for added mobility. It will make you harder to hit.


6) Firing from cover is not a cowardice act

Take cover when needed (Image via Focus Entertainment)
Take cover when needed (Image via Focus Entertainment)

When it comes to beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2, remember that taking cover is not a bad thing. Space Marines are fearless and will charge into battle but are also tactical in their approach to situations. Should the need arise to hunker down behind cover, you should do it.


Shooting and/or returning fire from a well-protected position is not an act of cowardice. To serve the Emperor, it's better to live than die uselessly. That said, keep in mind that this is always optional. You have the freedom to charge headfirst into hellfire.

However, as aforementioned in earlier beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2, should you die, you'll be sent back to a checkpoint.

7) Aiming down sight is useful for dealing with ranged targets

Blessed bolter, do thy Emperor's bidding (Image via Focus Entertainment)
Blessed bolter, do thy Emperor's bidding (Image via Focus Entertainment)

As a Space Marine, Titus has been trained and drilled for a considerable amount of time. With 200 experience under his Mark X Power Armor, he's nothing short of a living legend; which is why you should respect his image, and aim down sight when shooting.


No doubt your aim is true (since you'll be playing as a Primaris Marine), but aiming down sight will give you a solid tactical advantage in combat. You will be able to land headshots and deal more damage to enemies. Certain ranged weapons like the Bolt Sniper Rifle and Las Fusil need to be used while aiming down the sight.

8) Executions are good; they restore armor and prevent HP loss

A Power Sword through the skull works wonders (Image via Focus Entertainment)
A Power Sword through the skull works wonders (Image via Focus Entertainment)

One of the most important beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 is knowing how to restore armor. This can be tricky as Tryanids will keep attacking you non-stop. To stay in the fray longer, execute enemies to regain a chunk of armor.


If you happen to take HP loss and see a portion of your health bar turning white, you can stop this by performing an execution. It will not always be possible to get the timing right, but try your best to carve up a Traynid to safeguard your health. If you want to have a bit more armor, you could try the Bulwark Class in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2.

9) Kill Tyranid Warriors to sever their synaptic tie with Hormagaunts

Kill one, the rest scatter (Image via Focus Entertainment)
Kill one, the rest scatter (Image via Focus Entertainment)

Tyranid Warriors in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 can be found en masse on the battlefield. There are different variants, each serving a purpose in combat. They aren't the strongest enemy you'll encounter, but they can be challenging. Suffice it to say, that turning their entrails into red mist is a top priority for many reasons.


Hormagaunts in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 often accompany Tyranid Warriors into battle. They are synaptically connected to them as well. For this reason, it's always a good idea to kill the Tyranid Warrior and sever their synaptic link to nearby Hormagaunts. They will die instantly; giving you breathing space to deal with other threats.

The same can be said about Zoanthropes in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2. As soon as you spot one in battle, do not hesitate to unleash bolter rounds on it; and do not stop until it falls to the ground.


10) Remember to use Photo Mode to get some amazing pictures

The grimdark can be menacingly beautiful (Image via Focus Entertainment)
The grimdark can be menacingly beautiful (Image via Focus Entertainment)

While most beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 are related to combat, this one is more about art. Despite the grimdark being unforgiving and soul-stealing, it has its moments.


With the lore drawing inspiration from all things gothic, the structures in-game and design are memorizing. If you are new to the franchise, you should consider using Photo Mode in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 to freeze and capture moments.

It's easy to use, and will pause the game entirely; allowing you to capture the perfect moment and freeze it in time. You can pause during real-time events and fights. Truth be told, there's nothing more satisfying than capturing an image of Titus killing a Carnifex in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2.


11) When using Plasma weapons, vent to cool them faster

Superheated rounds of plasma melt flesh and bone (Image via Focus Entertainment)
Superheated rounds of plasma melt flesh and bone (Image via Focus Entertainment)

When using Plasma weapons, there are a few beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 that you need to remember. Unlike Bolter-based weapons, Plasma-based weapons cannot be reloaded. Instead, they have to be vented.


So what is venting? Instead of reloading your weapon, venting cools it down, allowing it to be fired again. This is necessary as shooting superheated plasma out of a weapon can make it rather hot. Your weapon will cool down automatically as well, but this just fastens the entire process.

12) Toss grenades to thin the herd

A well-placed grenade can kill half a dozen Tyranid (Image via Focus Entertainment)
A well-placed grenade can kill half a dozen Tyranid (Image via Focus Entertainment)

One of the many quintessential beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 is to remember to use grenades. Are they powerful enough to take out a Ravener in Space Marine 2? No, but they are perfect for inflicting damage on all foes alike.


There are four types of grenades, and while each has a specific use, they can all be used in the general sense to kill Tyranid. It's not going to stop the horde of horrors from overrunning your position, but it will allow you to thin them out somewhat. This is very useful when having to hold the line.

13) Keep an eye out for weapons and ammo; you'll need them

Weapons galore (Image via Focus Entertainment)
Weapons galore (Image via Focus Entertainment)

Coming to combat beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2, remember to keep an eye out for weapons. You can find drop pods filled with weapons in-game. Interact with them to change your loadout in an instant.


Aside from weapons, one of the more basic beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 is to remember to keep your ammo count up. Look for ammo boxes, and refill your ammo whenever possible. An extra magazine will make a lot of difference. Goes without saying, keep your weapons locked and loaded at all times.

14) If you find a Heavy Bolter, don't hesitate to use it

Aim down sight and squeeze the trigger (Image via Focus Entertainment)
Aim down sight and squeeze the trigger (Image via Focus Entertainment)

The Heavy Bolter is the bane of Tyranids everywhere. Be it a ferocious Carnifex or a lone-hunting Lictor in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2, they stand no chance in front of this beast of a weapon. With 450 rounds to spare and an insane rate of fire, you will be able to cut through enemies with ease.


That said, the Heavy Bolter is difficult to come by in Campaign Operations. You will not have the pleasure of using it whenever you desire. If you manage to get your hands on it, use it until it's empty. If you want to try out the Heavy Bolter more often, you can try out the Heavy Class in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2.

15) Pay attention to prompts; they could save your life

Look out for prompts. They will save your life (Image via Focus Entertainment)
Look out for prompts. They will save your life (Image via Focus Entertainment)

As a Primaris Marine, you are a force of nature; the Emperor's will made manifest. You are capable of holding your own against terrible foes, even flying creatures such as Gargoyles in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2. However, you are not Indomitable. You can be defeated in combat.


For this reason, of the many combat beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2, it is important to remember to pay attention to prompts. Understanding the different prompts will allow you to serve your Chapter better. You will be able to counter, dodge, and execute enemies with ease; granting you longevity and saving you the trouble of having to respawn often.

16) Stay close to other Space Marines when fighting a horde

Work as a team to take down powerful foes (Image via Focus Entertainment)
Work as a team to take down powerful foes (Image via Focus Entertainment)

Beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 are useful to know, but staying close to your Battle Brothers is just as important. When deployed into Operations Missions or even Campaign Missions, you need to stay close to your teammates.


It's true that as a Primaris Marine, you are capable of fighting solo. However, it should be noted that fighting solo has its downsides; which in the case of fighting Tyranids means you get swarmed and overwhelmed. For this reason, it's always a good idea to stay with the team.

Fight as one consolidated unit and complete objectives together. Even if you are playing as an Assault Class in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2, don't jump into the fray alone.


17) There is no shame in starting on a lower difficulty than Veteran

A lower difficulty is not a bad thing (Image via Focus Entertainment)
A lower difficulty is not a bad thing (Image via Focus Entertainment)

It's understandable that as a faithful servant of the Emperor, you may want to show your devotion by playing Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 on Veteran difficulty. This is the difficulty setting that the developers want you to play on as it represents the grimdark as it should be. It's not fair, but with a bit of tactical thinking, you'll survive each mission.


However, as a newbie, one of the most important beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 would be to play it on lower difficulties. There's no shame in simply wanting to enjoy the game and unleash the wrath of a Primaris marine on filthy Xenos.

This way, you get to experiment with the arsenal made available to you, and perhaps even learn melee weapon combos in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2. There are quite a few to master and are rather useful when you need to get up close and personal with the enemy.


18) Invite friends to have more fun while playing Campaign Missions

Playing with friends is always fun (Image via Focus Entertainment)
Playing with friends is always fun (Image via Focus Entertainment)

If by chance you're not interested in beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2, the best suggestion would be to learn on the go. To do this, it would be wise to play multiplayer co-op in Space Marine 2 with a seasoned veteran.


With Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 having offered four days of early access, a few players are kitted out and prepared for anything. Playing all Campaign Missions with them would be a good idea for several reasons.

Aside from the six Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 Campaign Missions, six Operations Missions are there as well to complete. Experienced players will be able to guide you through them and keep you safe should things spiral out of control.


That said, you will have to play the prologue (or skip it, if you want) to unlock multiplayer in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2. The introductory mission could take a while to complete, but it's highly suggested that you do it as it will be worth your time.

19) Use different Primary, Secondary, and Melee weapons to gain the upper hand in certain situations

The Bolt Sniper Rifle offers excellent range (Image via Focus Entertainment)
The Bolt Sniper Rifle offers excellent range (Image via Focus Entertainment)

There are numerous weapons in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2. However, if you like the general loadout, you'll probably stick to a Bolter and Chainsword; which is completely fine. The developers do not force you to use any particular weapon apart from certain portions of the game where it's needed due to the storyline.


As such, you are free to unleash bolter rounds, superheated plasma, and whatever else you see fit on vile Xenos. Having said that, it is beneficial to experiment with weapons. At certain times, an Occulus Bolt Carbine will be better than a regular Heavy Bolt Rifle. Being able to zoom in on the enemy will allow for more precise hits.

Aside from tactical reasons, using other weapons also gives you an idea of just how versatile Space Marines can be. If you want to truly push the limits of what is possible, you can try playing as a Tactical Class in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2.


20) Go slow, take in everything the grimdark has to offer and explore

Don't miss out on collecting Dataslates (Image via Focus Entertainment)
Don't miss out on collecting Dataslates (Image via Focus Entertainment)

One of the final beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 would be to go slow; and explore every nook and cranny there is. The developers have poured their love for the grimdark into the game, and witnessing it all is worth the time.


Don't just run from one objective to the next. Move about areas and explore. You may even run across Dataslates in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 that you can collect. These provide some context as to what was happening before Titus arrived on location.

Truth be told, don't rush any aspect of the game. Take your time to witness it all, and if needed, play on a lower difficulty if you want to focus on the storyline. If time permits, it would also be a good idea to play Space Marine 1 before playing Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2. This will solidify your knowledge of the franchise.


Primaris Marines of the Ultramarine Chapter (Image via Focus Entertainment)
Primaris Marines of the Ultramarine Chapter (Image via Focus Entertainment)

In conclusion, these are a few basic beginner tips and tricks for Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2. If you are a returning player from the original game or someone with deep knowledge of lore, this is nothing short of a visual treat. You will even have the option of customizing your character in Space Marine 2 when the game goes live on September 9, 2024.


Keep in mind that the Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 download size for PC, Xbox, and PlayStation will vary. You could also run into the "stuck on joining server error" in Space Marine 2, but the developers are actively monitoring everything.

That being said, here are official release time across all regions for Space Marine 2. Go now, make proud the Emperor and uphold his ideals and beliefs. Go now, and purge the alien, the mutant, the heretic.


With humility, I bear the Imperialis, the symbol of loyalty unbroken. With reverence, I receive actuation, awakening the armor’s spirit. With pride, I wear the symbol of my Chapter and join my brothers in war. I am Iron. I am Wrath. I. Am. Doom.

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Edited by Jito Tenson
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