5 best Overwatch 2 heroes to counter Lucio

Best heroes to counter Lucio (Image via Sportskeeda)
Best heroes to counter Lucio (Image via Sportskeeda and Blizzard)

As with its predecessor, Overwatch 2 features a diverse cast of heroes, each with their own unique abilities and playstyles. One of these heroes is Lucio, a Brazilian DJ and freedom fighter who uses his music to heal and boost the abilities of his allies. He is a popular pick in Overwatch due to his versatility and ability to provide support to his team.

However, like any hero, he has weaknesses, and there are certain selections in Overwatch 2 that are particularly effective at countering him. In this article, we will take a look at the five best Overwatch 2 heroes to counter Lucio.

Best Overwatch 2 heroes to play against Lucio

1) Sombra


Sombra is a hacker and offensive hero who specializes in disrupting the enemy team's abilities and communication. One of her primary abilities is the hack, which disables enemy abilities and prevents them from using their ultimate abilities. This ability is particularly useful against Lucio, as it can prevent him from using his Sound Barrier ultimate ability, which provides a powerful shield to his allies.

In addition, Sombra's EMP ultimate ability can disable all enemy abilities and shields in a large area, leaving Lucio vulnerable and his team exposed. The former's mobility and ability to quickly move around the battlefield also make her difficult to catch for Lucio.

2) Roadhog


Roadhog is a tank hero who excels at disrupting the enemy team's positioning and taking out high-priority targets. His Hook ability allows him to pull enemies toward him, making it easier for his allies to eliminate them. Against Lucio, Roadhog can use his Hook ability to pull him towards his team, leaving him vulnerable to attacks.

The former's high health pool and self-healing ability also make him a difficult target for Lucio to take down. If the latter attempts to attack Roadhog, he can simply use his Take a Breather ability to heal himself while his team focuses on taking down Lucio.

3) Mei


Mei is a defensive hero who excels at area denial and crowd control. Her primary weapon, the Endothermic Blaster, can slow down enemies and freeze them in place. Against Lucio, she can use her Endothermic Blaster to slow him down, making it difficult for him to avoid attacks and dodge her abilities.

Mei's Ice Wall ability can also be effective against Lucio, as it can block his Soundwave ability, which pushes enemies away from him. This can be particularly useful when the latter is attempting to push enemies off the map or prevent them from reaching an objective.

4) Cassidy


Cassidy, alias Jesse McCree, is an offensive hero who specializes in taking down enemies from a distance. His primary weapon, the Peacekeeper, deals high damage at long range and can take out foes quickly.

His ultimate ability, Deadeye, can be effective against Lucio and his team. Deadeye targets an enemy in Cassidy's line of sight and deals massive damage, making it a powerful tool against this foe.

5) Ana


Ana is a support hero in Overwatch 2 who specializes in healing and providing utility to her team. Her Biotic Rifle can heal allies and damage enemies from a distance, making her a versatile hero in combat.

Against Lucio, Ana can use her Sleep Dart ability to stun him, leaving him vulnerable to attacks from her team. Ana's Biotic Grenade ability can prevent the former from healing himself and his allies.

While many heroes in Overwatch 2 can counter Lucio, these five are some of the best. Whether you prefer to play as an offensive, defensive, or support hero, there's always an option to work with.

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Edited by Sijo Samuel Paul
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