Best sensitivity for PUBG Mobile without gyroscope in 2020

Best sensitivity for PUBG Mobile without gyroscope in 2020
Best sensitivity for PUBG Mobile without gyroscope in 2020

PUBG Mobile is a very competitive game, and players strive hard to reach the top tiers of the game. Gaming sensitivity is a crucial element that aids them in fulfilling this goal. These sensitivity settings should be set in such a manner that the game becomes much more comfortable to play.

Some players prefer to use the gyroscope setting, while others prefer other settings. If you are from the latter category, then you are in the right place, as we look at settings for players who do not use the gyroscope in PUBG Mobile.

Best sensitivity for PUBG Mobile without gyroscope in 2020

#1 Camera sensitivity

Camera sensitivity
Camera sensitivity

The camera sensitivity setting comes into the picture while looking around using the eye button, and players can keep these settings at default as well. Having these sensitivity settings too high or too low, however, will make it difficult to look around with the eye button.

#2 Camera

Camera settings
Camera settings

These settings affect players when they have scoped in and are looking around. This camera setting is related to movement of the camera angle with and without scopes.

#3 Aim Down Sight (ADS) settings

ADS sensitivity settings
ADS sensitivity settings

ADS settings play a crucial role in PUBG Mobile, as they help players to control the recoil by dragging or swiping their thumb.

Sensitivity in any game is entirely subjective, and players must not copy others. Instead, they should adjust sensitivity based on their own comfort, layout and the device. Players should alter the sensitivity settings mentioned above, but using their own intuition and preferences.

The layout of the control is also one of the contributing factors, and sensitivity should be set according to the layout used for playing in PUBG Mobile.

Players can also try these settings out in the training mode and then play some TDMs, and in the process, tweak them according to their preferences.

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