5 best Starfield backgrounds according to Reddit

Which backgrounds do Reddit like the most?
What does Reddit have to say about Starfield's backgrounds? (Image via Bethesda)

Now that Starfield has officially launched, Reddit has begun talking about backgrounds in earnest. All the classes in the game are worth playing, but players simply feel stronger about some. Whether it’s roleplay potential, or raw, unfiltered power, some of these options are simply going to be picked with a greater frequency.

It’s worth noting that this is not an official tier list. I found a Reddit thread where the active discussion was focused on which backgrounds were going to be played in Starfield. We’ll highlight some of the most discussed ones, and why they’re going to be played.

Reddit’s favorite Starfield backgrounds

1) Bounty Hunter

Out of all the backgrounds in the Starfield Reddit threads, it seemed like Bounty Hunter was honestly one of the most popular. The reasons ranged from it simply being awesome, to the fact that it unlocks three unique mechanics: Piloting, Targeting Control Systems, and Boostpack Training. These are otherwise locked at the start, so you get access to great in-game options.

2) Diplomat

Another popular character background in Starfield, at least, according to Reddit, was the Diplomat. It’s the class archetype more people at Sportskeeda were interested in playing as well. Some people wanted to be a diplomat purely for RP reasons, and others because of the power of Persuasion and Commerce.

A few Redditors highlighted Dream Home and other traits that would start them with a significant amount of debt, and that excited them.

3) Cyber Runner

Sometimes, people simply want to run around and steal stuff. Cyber Runners are expert thieves, and so this background would inevitably become popular. It’s a common way to play Bethesda RPGs, so when these posts on the Starfield Reddit threads came up, it wasn’t a shock to many.

4) Space Scoundrel

Why not be Han Solo for the next 40+ hours? Quite a few people found the Space Scoundrel to be the most appealing background of choice. They receive incredible skills, and the roleplaying possibilities are high.

Players discussed taking Wanted and Freestar Collective as potential traits for this class as well. Quite a few players are very high on the potential to be a free-roaming scoundrel who shoots or talks their way out of problems.

5) Ronin

While the Space Scoundrel targets fans of Han Solo and Spike Spiegel, fans of the Ronin class are into the Miyamoto Musashi vibe. This character forsakes all ties and wanders the land as a lone swordsman.

No master to rule over them, they’re free to fight and kill as they see fit. Not everyone like the stealth skill they bring, however. Ronin are also quite similar to Jedi, in tiny ways, as highlighted by some commenters.

No matter what class you pick, you should play what feels right to you. However, it will continue to be a hot topic of discussion for months after the game’s launch. You can find out what classes we think are the best, in our recent Starfield tier list.

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