The players start as fifth-year transfer students joining in the middle of the term. The game is set in the 1800s and contains a plethora of things to uncover and discover. Since all the choices are in your hand only, choosing the correct house and group of friends is crucial for your journey later. However, curious as ever, players wonder if Draco Malfoy can be selected as a role model instead of Harry Potter. Hogwarts Legacy does give you moral choices that determine the kind of person you turn out to be.
What is Hogwarts Legacy all about?
Hogwarts Legacy was planned to release in 2021. But the developers were alarmed by a particular game and decided to perfect this game before releasing it. The community expects this game to be released this year during the holiday season. However, there is something that caught the attention of many: you can either be bad or good in Hogwarts Legacy. This game presents you with moral choices to build your character. Based on your in-game decisions, it'll determine what kind of witch/wizard you will be. You can be an honor student, attending all classes and running around with all hugs and kisses. Or, you can "Avada Kedavra" your least favorite classmate. That was a bit exaggerated, but this game will undoubtedly be dark!
How can one choose between good and evil in Hogwarts Legacy?
Every outcome in Hogwarts Legacy depends on the choices you'll make. You have the choice of making friends from different houses and their influence can impact the ultimate result. For example, there is a ‘charismatic Slytherin student’ whom you can befriend but he will get you into some trouble in a heartbeat. Of course, in a game it sounds quite exciting and appealing. But that would stop you from becoming an excellent honor student. There is obviously a main plot in the game. From the revealed gameplay, it is evident that there’s a link between the Goblin Rebellion and some dark wizards. You'll have to face these enemies as the story will unfold. So, no matter how evil you are planning to be, you can't stoop to the loathsome level of baddies of the game!
Can you be evil in Hogwarts Legacy?
As the developers of the Hogwarts Legacy said, the game will offer several outcomes. Since all the choices are in your hand, the outcome of certain flags depends entirely on you. If you're goofy and decide to make all the wrong decisions, it'll undoubtedly impact your gameplay drastically. Your interactions and choices with some characters can affect the result later in the game.
Q. Which Platforms will Hogwarts Legacy be released on?
A. Hogwarts Legacy will be released on all platforms, including PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and the PC!
Q. Will Harry Potter or Hermione be in Hogwarts Legacy?
A. Since Hogwarts Legacy takes place in the 1800s, it's evident that Harry Potter and Hermione won't be in the game. That is unless they pull some time-travel shenanigans.