Counter-Strike 2 (CS2): Binding mouse wheel to Jump and Jumpthrow

Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) Jump and Jumpthrow mouse scroll binding
How to bind Scroll Wheel to Jump and Jumothrow in Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) (Image via Valve)

Spacebar is the default jump button in Counter-Strike 2 (CS2), and while many players prefer using it, some like to switch things around and assign jump to their mouse wheel instead. Doing so makes it significantly easier to bunnyhop in the FPS title, as it will allow you to spam the input in order to get the perfect jump timing to do the hop.

Bunnyhopping is one of the most advanced movements in low-ttk shooters like CS2 and CS:GO. It helps accelerate their movement speed when the jump inputs are timed correctly. However, it’s one of the hardest maneuvers to pull off, which is why players often bind their jump to the mouse wheel to make things easier.

There has been a fair bit of confusion among players as to how they can go about assigning jump to the input.

Hence, today’s Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) guide will go over how you will be able to assign jump and jumpthrow to the mouse wheel in the FPS.

How to bind Scroll Wheel to Jump in Counter-Strike 2 (CS2)

There are two ways you can go about binding your Scroll Wheel to jump in Counter-Strike 2 (CS2):

1) Through console command

You will need to open the console by pressing “~”. If it does not open, go to the “Game” tab in settings and enable the developer console. Once the console command box is open, you will need to paste any one of the following commands:

  • bind mwheeldown +jump;bind space +jump
  • bind mwheelup +jump;bind space +jump
  • bind "mwheeldown" +jump; bind "mwheelup" +jump; bind "space" +jump

2) Via the in-game settings

Another way of dong it will be to open up the game menu and head to:

  • Settings -> Keyboard and Mouse -> Jump

You will need to assign the new button here in the Jump tab.

How to bind Scroll Wheel to Jumpthrow in Counter-Strike 2 (CS2)

Jumpthrow is when you combine jumping with tossing a grenade in the game. The grenade can be a frag, a smoke, or even a flash grenade.

Jumpthrows are primarily used to extend the distance the grenade will travel, allowing you to use smokes and grenades strategically by mastering your line-ups.

Here are the console commands that you will need to input (any one of them) to bind Scroll Wheel to jumpthrow:

  • alias "+boing" "+jump"
  • alias "+ding" "-attack; -attack2"
  • alias "+dong" "-jump"
  • bind X "+boing; +ding; +dong" (replace X with the key you want to use)

Is Jumpthrow legal in Counter-Strike 2 (CS2)

Using Jumpthrows by assigning the move to the mouse wheel is legal and will not get you banned from the game. So if you wish to do more with your mouse wheel other than just bunny hop and switch weapons with it, then you can always bind it to jumpthrow.

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Edited by Siddharth Satish
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