Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) Vertigo window smoke guide

Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) Vertigo window smoke guide
CS2 Vertigo-new window smoke guide (Image via YouTube/@nartouthere)

Vertigo recently underwent some major changes in CS2. The Vertigo window is referred to as the Elevator in the game. As fans may be aware, the map was updated on the 23rd of May 2024. The changes include the addition of a catwalk that connects to Backsite A among other updates. In this Vertigo window smoke guide, we will discuss new and improved ways to smoke off windows to get the best out of the map.

These updates make Vertigo a drastically different-looking map. This Vertigo window smoke guide will show multiple ways to smoke the Elevator after the recent changes.

Vertigo window smoke guide: How to smoke the Elevator window

Poster lineup

To execute this lineup, make sure you've followed these instructions:

  • Go to A ramps.
  • Here, locate the sandbag and stand completely tucked into the corner between the pile and the wall.
  • Now, you must aim up and keep your crosshair on the right side of the poster's apparatus that holds the poster up as shown in the video linked above.
  • Once you've lined it all up perfectly, throw the smoke grenade.
  • This will land just a little bit inside the Elevator covering up the whole window. This is one of the few lineups you can use to ensure your team wins with good health.

Sandbags to the left

Left of Elevator smoke (Image via YouTube/@nartouthere)
Left of Elevator smoke (Image via YouTube/@nartouthere)

This is a similar lineup that also makes use of the sandbags present outside of the Elevator.

  • To execute, locate the sandbag on the left side opposite the Elevator window.
  • You must line up your crosshair to the bottom of the beam visible above the A Site sign.
  • Now, you must jump and throw the smoke at the same time.
  • This grenade will clash against the ceiling inside the Elevator and explode, expelling a thick cloud of smoke that covers the window for good.

Right sandbag behind the wall lineup

Smoke line up right side sandbag (Image via YouTube/@nartouthere)
Smoke line up right side sandbag (Image via YouTube/@nartouthere)

Another interesting way to execute the Vertigo window smoke is standing behind the sandbags on the right.

  • To execute, stand directly against the wall behind the right-sided sandbags.
  • Now, line your reticle to the left edge of the beam visible in the picture.
  • Once again, you must jump and throw the grenade.
  • This lineup helps smoke a little bit deeper into the Elevator window

These are some methods that can be easily picked up via this Vertigo window smoke guide. Not only are they effective but simple enough to take very little practice.

The 23rd May CS2 updates have certainly changed the structure of A site on the map. This also implies that the old smoke lineups may not work any longer. It's best to always check if your old lineups work before risking it during a competitive matchup.

Edited by Aatreyee Aich
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