The Deep Stone Crypt for Destiny 2 finally went live, and with it, a lot of new weapons went live as well.
Raid specific weapons are really unique in nature. They drop from specific raid encounters and are only available to players who have completed that specific encounter. These weapons come with what are known as God Rolls and they enhance the capabilities of the weapon by a lot.
Best Raid Weapons in Destiny 2
#1 Trustee

The trustee is a new legendary scout rifle which is full auto. It has deeper reserves and reloads faster when the magazine is empty. This weapon can be obtained from the Crypt Security encounter in Destiny 2. The curated roll for this weapon "polygonal rifling" gives it additional stability.
The roll "under pressure" increases stability and accuracy as the magazine begins to run low. Overall, this is a pretty interesting weapon to have in Destiny 2. The perk "redirection" causes an increased damage to more powerful combatants if they're killed after weaker combatants.
#2 Commemoration

This is a legendary power machine gun also obtained from the Deep Stone Crypt raid in Destiny 2. This gun forms the perfect alternative for the Hammerhead which isn't available in the game anymore.
This gun comes with the roll "Feeding Frenzy" which increases it's reload speed for a short time for each rapid kill. This weapon drops from the final encounter in the Deep Stone Crypt raid.
#3 Heritage

This is a legendary kinetic shotgun which has a precision frame. It fires a single slug round. The recoil pattern for this weapon however, is vertical.
This weapon comes with the perk "reconstruction" where elemental final blows increase the weapon damage for it's next shot. This weapon drops from the Replication encounter in the Deep Stone Crypt raid.
#4 Succession

This kinetic sniper rifle has an aggressive frame which provides high damage but high recoil as well. This weapon comes with a perk called " No distractions" which reduces flinch while aiming down the sights.
In the final column, this weapon has the "vorpal weapon" perk which provides increased damage against bosses, vehicles and other guardians. This weapon is also obtained from the Deep Stone Crypt raid in Destiny 2.
#5 Posterity

This is a brand new hand cannon introduced in Destiny 2, and it comes with a set of very unique and exclusive perks. The posterity comes with a perk called "genesis" where breaking the shield of an enemy reloads the magazine from its reserves.
Overall, apart from the exotics that the raid drops, these five weapons are absolute beasts in the PvE environment if acquired from the raid. They haven't made it to the meta yet because only a few players have received these weapons in game till now.