What are Soul Emblems?
Soul Emblems in DBZ Kakarot are items that you collect periodically throughout the story. A Soul Emblem is tied to a character and it usually gives bonuses. Different combinations also give different kinds of specialities. Don't ignore these Soul Emblems because you will need it for later boss fights!
Using Soul Emblems

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Soul Emblems need to be placed in the respective Community Board. There are different Community Boards available: Z Warrior, Cooking, Training, Development, Community of the Gods, Adult and Adventure. Using different Soul Emblems of different characters give you bonuses. Some character Soul Emblems are stronger in some Community Boards over the others.
The skills from the Community Board improve each aspect progressively as the game goes on. You can gift other characters items to improve their Community Board levels.
List of Soul Emblems - Locations and Bonuses

How to Get: Starting of the game
Link Bonuses:
Goku + Gohan (+2)
Goku + Krillin + Yamcha (+3)
Goku + Vegeta + Piccolo + Tien (+4)
Goku + Mr. Satan (+8)
How to Get: Community Board Tutorial
Link Bonuses:
Goku + Gohan (+2)
Gohan + Piccolo (+2)
Gohan + Videl (+2)
Gohan + Goten + Chi-Chi (+3)
How to Get: After first cooking mission with Chi-Chi
Link Bonuses:
Gohan + Goten + Chi-Chi (+3)
Chi-Chi + Ox King (+2)
Chi-Chi + Bulma (+2)
Master Roshi
How to Get: Complete side quest Master Roshi's Prized Possession
Link Bonuses:
Launch + Turtle + Master Roshi (+3)
Turtle + Master Roshi (+2)
Master Roshi + Master Shen (+2)
Master Roshi + Baba (+2)
How to Get: Complete side quest Nam the Peddler
Link Bonuses:
World Tournament Announcer + Nam (+2)
Android 8
How to Get: Complete side quest Gentle Giant
Link Bonuses:
Android 8 + Android 16 + Android 17 (+3)
Android 8 + Suno (+2)
King Yemma
How to Get: Defeat Raditz
Link Bonuses:
King Cold + King Yemma + Ox King (+3)
Kami + King Yemma (+2)
Dabura + King Yemma (+2)
How to Get: Defeat Raditz
Link Bonuses:
Piccolo + Kami + Nail (+3)
Mr. Popo + Kami (+2)
Kami + Dende (+2)
Kami + King Yemma (+2)
How to Get: Meet Yajirobe as Kid Gohan during the main story
Link Bonuses:
Trunks + Yajirobe (+2)
Korin + Yajirobe (+2)
How to Get: Beat Tien with Piccolo during the main story
Link Bonuses:
Goku + Vegeta + Piccolo + Tien (+4)
Yamcha + Tien (+2)
Tien + Master Shen + Chiaotzu (+3)
Tien + Launch (+2)
How to Get: Telekinesis Training side quest in Central Plains
Link Bonuses:
Vegeta + Saibaman + Cell + Chiaotzu (+4)
Tien + Master Shen + Chiaotzu (+3)
Guldo + Babidi + Chiaotzu (+3)
Android 19 + Chiaotzu (+2)
How to Get: Beat Krillin with Piccolo during the main story
Link Bonuses:
Goku + Krillin + Yamcha (+3)
Krillin + Android 18 + Marron (+3)
Krillin + Frieza (+2)
How to Get: Beat Yamcha with Piccolo during the main story
Link Bonuses:
Goku + Krillin + Yamcha (+3)
Yamcha + Saibaman (+2)
Yamcha + Tien (+2)
Yamcha + Puar (+2)
How to Get: Beat Krillin, Yamcha and Tien during the main story
Link Bonuses:
Goku + Vegeta + Piccolo + Tien (+4)
Gohan + Piccolo (+2)
Piccolo + Kami + Nail (+3)
Piccolo + Dende + Nail + Guru (+4)
King Kai
How to Get: Make King Kai laugh when Goku arrives on his planet
Link Bonuses:
King Kai + Bubbles (+2)
King Kai + Kibito + Supreme Kai + Elder Kai (+4)
How to Get: Meet Puar with Gohan during the main story
Link Bonuses:
Yamcha + Puar (+2)
Puar + Oolong (+2)
Mr. Popo
How to Get: Obtained after Goku completes the Snake Way
Link Bonuses:
Burter + Mr. Popo (+2)
Mr. Popo + Kami (+2)
How to Get: Complete side quest The Pilaf Gang's Plan
Link Bonuses:
Bulma + Pilaf (+2)
Pilaf + Shu + Mai (+3)
How to Get: Complete side quest The Pilaf Gang's Plan
Link Bonuses:
Turtle + Shu (+2)
Pilaf + Shu + Mai (+3)
How to Get: Complete side quest The Pilaf Gang's Plan
Link Bonuses:
Trunks + Mai (+2)
Pilaf + Shu + Mai (+3)
How to Get: Return Launch to Master Roshi's house with Gohan
Link Bonuses:
Tien + Launch (+2)
Majin Buu + Launch (+2)
Launch + Turtle + Master Roshi (+3)
How to Get: Complete three side quests - Pilaf Gang’s Plan, the Mysterious Power Reading, and Foreboding Fear
Link Bonuses
Vegeta + Saibaman + Cell + Chiaotzu (+4)
Yamcha + Saibaman (+2)
Saibaman + Nappa (+2)
Saibaman + Cell Jr. (+2)
Mercenary Tao
How to Get: Complete side quests Mysterious Power Reading and Familiar Face
Link Bonuses:
Mercenary Tao + Master Shen (+2)
Mercenary Tao + Bora (+2)
Frieza + Mercenary Tao (+2)
Arale-chan + Mercenary Tao (+2)
Master Shen
How to Get: Complete side quests Mysterious Power Reading and Familiar Face
Link Bonuses:
Tien + Master Shen + Chiaotzu (+3)
Mercenary Tao + Master Shen (+2)
Master Roshi + Master Shen (+2)
How to Get: Complete side quest Tough Break for Turtle
Link Bonuses:
Launch + Turtle + Master Roshi (+3)
Turtle + Master Roshi (+2)
Turtle + Shu (+2)
How to Get: Find parts for the Namekian spaceship with Gohan and return to Bulma
Link Bonuses:
Vegeta + Trunks + Trunks (Kid) + Bulma (+4)
Bulma + Doctor Briefs (+2)
Bulma + Pilaf (+2)
How to Get: Defeat Cui with Vegeta
Link Bonuses:
Goku + Vegeta + Piccolo + Tien (+4)
Vegeta + Trunks + Trunks (Kid) + Bulma (+4)
Vegeta + Raditz + Nappa (+3)
Vegeta + Saibaman + Cell + Chiaotzu (+4)
How to Get: Meet Guru with Gohan
Link Bonuses:
Piccolo + Dende + Nail + Guru (+4)
Korin + Guru + Elder Kai (+3)
How to Get: Unlocked after Piccolo fuses with Nail
Link Bonuses:
Piccolo + Kami + Nail (+3)
Piccolo + Dende + Nail + Guru (+4)
How to Get: Complete side quest The Mystery of the Missing Tail
Link Bonuses:
Puar + Oolong (+2)
Shenron + Oolong (+2)
Trunks (Future)
How to Get: Defeat Trunks with Goku
Link Bonuses:
Vegeta + Trunks + Trunks (Kid) + Bulma (+4)
Trunks + Mai (+2)
Trunks + Yajirobe (+2)
How to Get: Complete side quest Bummed about Bananas
Link Bonuses:
King Kai + Bubbles (+2)
Doctor Briefs
How to Get: Complete side quest Easy-Going Genius
Link Bonuses:
Bulma + Doctor Briefs (+2)
Doctor Briefs + Mr. Satan + Ox King (+12)
How to Get: Help Yajirobe with Goku
Link Bonuses:
Korin + Bora + Upa (+3)
Korin + Yajirobe (+2)
Korin + Puppy (+2)
Korin + Guru + Elder Kai (+3)
How to Get: Complete side quest Between Worlds
Link Bonuses:
Master Roshi + Baba (+2)
World Tournament Announcer + Baba (+2)
How to Get: Rematch with Ginyu Force
Link Bonuses:
Guldo + Recoome + Burter + Jeice + Captain Ginyu (+5)
Recoome + Android 16 (+2)
Guldo + Recoome + Burter + Jeice + Captain Ginyu + Bonyu (+1)
How to Get: Rematch with Ginyu Force
Link Bonuses:
Guldo + Recoome + Burter + Jeice + Captain Ginyu (+5)
Burter + Mr. Popo (+2)
Guldo + Recoome + Burter + Jeice + Captain Ginyu + Bonyu (+1)
How to Get: Rematch with Ginyu Force
Link Bonuses:
Guldo + Recoome + Burter + Jeice + Captain Ginyu (+5)
Jeice + Captain Ginyu (+2)
Guldo + Recoome + Burter + Jeice + Captain Ginyu + Bonyu (+1)
How to Get: Rematch with Ginyu Force
Link Bonuses:
Guldo + Recoome + Burter + Jeice + Captain Ginyu (+5)
Guldo + Babidi + Chiaotzu (+3)
Guldo + Recoome + Burter + Jeice + Captain Ginyu + Bonyu (+1)
Android 16
How to Get: Repair Android 16 during the main story
Link Bonuses:
Android 8 + Android 16 + Android 17 (+3)
Recoome + Android 16 (+2)
How to Get: Restore the Dragon Balls during the main story
Link Bonuses:
Piccolo + Dende + Nail + Guru (+4)
Kami + Dende (+2)
Dende + Porunga (+2)
How to Get: Rematch with Nappa
Link Bonuses:
Vegeta + Raditz + Nappa (+3)
Saibaman + Nappa (+2)
How to Get: Complete side quest Intermission from Kami's Lookout during Cell Saga
Link Bonuses:
Shenron + Porunga (+2)
Shenron + Oolong (+2)
How to Get: Rematch with Cui
Link Bonuses:
Cui + Zarbon + Dodoria + Appule (+4)
Cui + Appule (+2)
Cell Jr.
How to Get: Rematch with Cell Jr.
Link Bonuses:
Saibaman + Cell Jr. (+2)
Cell + Cell Jr. (+2)
How to Get: Rematch with Raditz
Link Bonuses:
Vegeta + Raditz + Nappa (+3)
Raditz + Dodoria + King Cold (+3)
Ox King
How to Get: Complete side quest An Awkward Pair
Link Bonuses
Chi-Chi + Ox King (+2)
King Cold + King Yemma + Ox King (+3)
Doctor Briefs + Mr. Satan + Ox King (+12)
How to Get: Rematch with Zarbon
Link Bonuses:
Cui + Zarbon + Dodoria + Appule (+4)
Zarbon + Yakon (+2)
How to Get: Rematch with Dodoria
Link Bonuses:
Cui + Zarbon + Dodoria + Appule (+4)
Raditz + Dodoria + King Cold (+3)
How to Get: Rematch with Appule
Link Bonuses:
Cui + Zarbon + Dodoria + Appule (+4)
Cui + Appule (+2)
How to Get: Complete side quest Daddy's Little Girl in Buu Saga
Link Bonuses:
Krillin + Android 18 + Marron (+3)
Android 18
How to Get: Complete side quest Anxious Android
Link Bonuses:
Krillin + Android 18 + Marron (+3)
Chi-Chi + Android 18 (+2)
Android 18 + Arale-chan (+2)
Android 18 + Android 17 + Cell (+3)
How to Get: Meet Videl during the main story
Link Bonuses:
Gohan + Videl (+2)
Videl + Mr. Satan (+8)
World Tournament Announcer
How to Get: Complete side quest The Good Ol' Days
Link Bonuses:
World Tournament Announcer + Nam (+2)
World Tournament Announcer + Baba (+2)
Supreme Kai
How to Get: Complete side quest Far Beyond Frieza
Link Bonuses:
King Kai + Kibito + Supreme Kai + Elder Kai (+4)
Kibito + Supreme Kai (+2)
How to Get: Complete side quest Far Beyond Frieza
Link Bonuses:
King Kai + Kibito + Supreme Kai + Elder Kai (+4)
Kibito + Supreme Kai (+2)
How to Get: Play the main story
Link Bonuses:
Gohan + Goten + Chi-Chi (+3)
Goten + Trunks (Kid) (+2)
Trunks (Kid)
How to Get: Play the main story
Link Bonuses:
Vegeta + Trunks + Trunks (Kid) + Bulma (+4)
Goten + Trunks (Kid) (+2)
Mr. Satan
How to Get: Complete side quest A Father's Dignity
Link Bonuses
Goku + Mr. Satan (+8)
Videl + Mr. Satan (+8)
Majin Buu + Mr. Satan + Puppy (+12)
Doctor Briefs + Mr. Satan + Ox King (+12)
How to Get: Complete side quest Porunga Part 2
Link Bonuses:
Dende + Porunga (+2)
Shenron + Porunga (+2)
How to Get: Complete side quest King of the Demon Realm?
Link Bonuses:
Majin Buu + Babidi + Dabura (+3)
Dabura + King Yemma (+2)
How to Get: Rematch with Cell
Link Bonuses:
Vegeta + Saibaman + Cell + Chiaotzu (+4)
Android 18 + Android 17 + Cell (+3)
Cell + Cell Jr. (+2)
Cell + Android 20 (+2)
How to Get: Complete side quest Buu the Bottomless Pit
Link Bonuses:
Majin Buu + Mr. Satan + Puppy (+12)
Korin + Puppy (+2)
Majin Buu
How to Get: Complete side quest Buu the Bottomless Pit
Link Bonuses:
Majin Buu + Mr. Satan + Puppy (+12)
Majin Buu + Babidi + Dabura (+3)
Majin Buu + Launch (+2)
Majin Buu + Gatchan (+2)
How to Get: Complete side quest Good Ol' Goku!
Link Bonuses:
Korin + Bora + Upa (+3)
Mercenary Tao + Bora (+2)
Bora + Upa (+2)
How to Get: Complete side quest Good Ol' Goku!
Link Bonuses:
Korin + Bora + Upa (+3)
Bora + Upa (+2)
How to Get: Rematch with Frieza
Link Bonuses:
Frieza + King Cold (+2)
Frieza + Babidi (+2)
Frieza + Mercenary Tao (+2)
Krillin + Frieza (+2)
Elder Kai
How to Get: Complete side quest Fulfilling a Promise
Link Bonuses:
King Kai + Kibito + Supreme Kai + Elder Kai (+4)
Korin + Guru + Elder Kai (+3)
How to Get: Complete side quest Reunion with Suno
Link Bonuses:
Android 8 + Suno (+2)
How to Get: Complete side quest Here It Comes!
Link Bonuses:
Android 18 + Arale-chan (+2)
Arale-chan + Senbei + Gatchan (+20)
Arale-chan + Mercenary Tao (+2)
How to Get: Complete side quest Here It Comes!
Link Bonuses:
Arale-chan + Senbei + Gatchan (+20)
Majin Buu + Gatchan (+2)
How to Get: Complete side quest Here It Comes!
Link Bonuses:
Arale-chan + Senbei + Gatchan (+20)
Android 20 + Senbei (+2)
Captain Ginyu
How to Get: Rematch with Captain Ginyu
Link Bonuses:
Guldo + Recoome + Burter + Jeice + Captain Ginyu (+5)
Jeice + Captain Ginyu (+2)
Captain Ginyu + Bonyu (+10)
Guldo + Recoome + Burter + Jeice + Captain Ginyu + Bonyu (+1)
Android 20
How to Get: Complete side quest Shadows of the Red Ribbon Army
Link Bonuses:
Cell + Android 20 (+2)
Android 19 + Android 20 (+2)
Android 20 + Senbei (+2)
Yamu + Spopovich + Android 19 + Android 20 (+4)
Android 19
How to Get: Complete side quest Shadows of the Red Ribbon Army
Link Bonuses:
Android 19 + Android 20 (+2)
Android 19 + Chiaotzu (+2)
Yamu + Spopovich + Android 19 + Android 20 (+4)
King Cold
How to Get: Complete side quest The Most Feared of Families
Link Bonuses:
Frieza + King Cold (+2)
King Cold + King Yemma + Ox King (+3)
Raditz + Dodoria + King Cold (+3)
Android 17
How to Get: Rematch with Android 17
Link Bonuses:
Android 18 + Android 17 + Cell (+3)
Android 8 + Android 16 + Android 17 (+3)
How to Get: Complete side quest Babidi's Back!
Link Bonuses:
Majin Buu + Babidi + Dabura (+3)
Frieza + Babidi (+2)
Guldo + Babidi + Chiaotzu (+3)
How to Get: Complete side quest Babidi's Back!
Link Bonuses:
Yamu + Spopovich + Android 19 + Android 20 (+4)
Yamu + Spopovich (+2)
How to Get: Complete side quest Babidi's Back!
Link Bonuses:
Yamu + Spopovich + Android 19 + Android 20 (+4)
Yamu + Spopovich (+2)
Pui Pui
How to Get: Complete side quest Change of Heart
Link Bonuses:
Pui Pui + Yakon (+2)
How to Get: Complete side quest Change of Heart
Link Bonuses:
Zarbon + Yakon (+2)
Pui Pui + Yakon (+2)
How to Get: Defeat Bonyu in the Training Room
Link Bonuses:
Captain Ginyu + Bonyu (+10)
Guldo + Recoome + Burter + Jeice + Captain Ginyu + Bonyu (+1)
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