DreamHack will be held in Delhi from December 6 to December 8. The gaming fest will feature different events varying from Esports tournaments to Stand-up comedy. The grand event for DreamHack is a CS:GO Invitational that has a massive prize pool of ₹39,00,000. Six teams from different parts of the world have been invited to the event. Goliath Gaming(RSA), HellRaiser(UKR), PRO100(UKR), YaLLa Esports(Middle East), Orgless5ive(IND) and Lucid Dreams(TH) will take part in the CS:GO competition.
Tournament Format
Six teams will be divided into two groups that will have three teams each. The group stage will follow a single round-robin format where teams will play other teams from the same group once. All the matches will be BO2 and the top two teams from each group will qualify for the semi-finals.
Semi-finals will follow the single-elimination format where all the matches will BO3.
Winning teams from the semi-finals will progress to the Grand Finals.
Prize Pool
The overall prize pool for the tournament is ₹39,00,000.
It will be further divided into the team that will finish top 3 in the tournament.
1st Place- ₹20,00,000
2nd Place- ₹10,00,000
3rd Place- ₹4,50,000
DreamHack Counter Strike Standings:
Group A:
Team A | Team B | ||
Goliath | 2 | 0 | Orgless5 |
Orgless5 | 1 | 1 | pro100 |
pro100 | 2 | 0 | Goliath |
Pro100 and Goliath gaming move on to the semi Finals.
Day 2 Standings:
Group B:
Team A | Team B | ||
YaLLa | 1 | 1 | LD |
HR | 2 | 0 | LD |
HR | 2 | 0 | YaLLa |
YallaEsports and HellRaisers qualify for the semi Finals from Group B of the DreamHack Invitational.
Day 3 DreamHack Invitational Semifinals:
Team A | Team B | ||
pro100 | 2 | 0 | YaLLa Esports |
HellRaisers | 2 | 0 | Goliath Gaming |
Pro100 and HellRaisers made it through the finals for DreamHack Invitational.
DreamHack Delhi Invitational Finals:
Team A | Team B | ||
pro100 | 2 | 0 | HellRaisers |
Pro100 Wins DreamHack Delhi 2019 Invitational winning ₹20,00,000