Expansion Pass: Pokémon Sword and Shield

Last Modified May 3, 2021 07:59 GMT

The Pokémon Sword and Shield games are the latest entries of the Pokémon series, and they’re also the first Pokémon games to receive official DLC Expansions! In the past, fans would rush to buy the new “ultimate” version of the game (like Yellow Version for Gen 1 or Crystal Version for Gen 2). However, thanks to modern technology, Pokémon Sword and Shield players can easily access expanded content by purchasing the Expansion pass via the Nintendo Switch eShop!

Expansion Pass Pokémon Sword and Shield

What is Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass?

The Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass is the first major DLC expansion in Pokémon history, and it’s HUGE. According to the main website, “The Wild Area was only the beginning,” and that has proven true with the massive scope of this expansion pass. With the Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass, players get access to two all new story arcs and vast new Wild Areas. The Expansion Pass released in two parts: The Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra. Both expansions add new areas, new and returning Pokémon (including new Legendary Pokémon and Galar Forms!), new characters, new items, new mechanics and much more!

What does the Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass include?

1.The Isle of Armor

Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass include the Isle of Armor

The Isle of Armor is a large, temperate island off the northern coast of the Galar region. It’s home to a number of Pokémon that don’t live on the Galar mainland, and it features a number of biomes that can’t be found elsewhere in Galar, including sandy beaches, the open ocean, dense forests, steamy bogs, dark caves, and sprawling sand dunes!

The Isle of Armor is also a popular training ground for many advanced Pokémon Trainers of the Galar region. It features multiple themed dojos, and a community focused on becoming better battlers through strategy and training.

The Isle of Armor adds utility as well. You’ll find multiple new Move Tutors, Apricorns which can be turned into Poké Balls, and an Exp. Charm that increases the amount of experience your party receives. You’ll also gain access to Max Soup, which can give individual Pokémon of certain species the ability to Gigantamax, if they don’t already have the Gigantamax Factor.

The Isle of Armor also adds new Legendary Pokémon, new Gigantamax Forms, and new Galar Forms, along with a long list of returning Pokémon.

  1. New Legendary Pokémon
  2. Kubfu
  3. Urshifu
  4. Zarude
  1. New Galar Forms
  2. Galarian Slowpoke
  3. Galarian Slowbro
  1. New Gigantamax Forms
  2. Gigantamax Venusaur
  3. Gigantamax Blastoise
  4. Gigantamax Rillaboom
  5. Gigantamax Cinderace
  6. Gigantamax Inteleon
  7. Gigantamax Urshifu
  8. Gigantamax Melmetal
  1. Returning Pokémon
  2. Sandshrew
  3. Sandslash
  4. Jigglypuff
  5. Wigglytuff
  6. Psyduck
  7. Golduck
  8. Poliwag
  9. Poliwhirl
  10. Poliwrath
  11. Abra
  12. Kadabra
  13. Alakazam
  14. Tentacool
  15. Tentacruel
  16. Slowpoke
  17. Slowbro
  18. Magnemite
  19. Magneton
  20. Exeggcute
  21. Exeggutor
  22. Cubone
  23. Marowak
  24. Lickitung
  25. Chansey
  26. Tangela
  27. Kangaskhan
  28. Horsea
  29. Seadra
  30. Staryu
  31. Starmie
  32. Scyther
  33. Pinsir
  34. Tauros
  35. Porygon
  36. Igglybuff
  37. Marill
  38. Azumarill
  39. Politoed
  40. Slowking
  41. Dunsparce
  42. Scizor
  43. Heracross
  44. Skarmory
  45. Kingdra
  46. Porygon2
  47. Miltank
  48. Blissey
  49. Whismur
  50. Loudred
  51. Exploud
  52. Azurill
  53. Carvanha
  54. Sharpedo
  55. Shinx
  56. Luxio
  57. Luxray
  58. Buneary
  59. Lopunny
  60. Happiny
  61. Magnezone
  62. Lickilicky
  63. Tangrowth
  64. Porygon-Z
  65. Lillipup
  66. Herdier
  67. Stoutland
  68. Venipede
  69. Whirli[ede
  70. Scolipede
  71. Petilil
  72. Lilligant
  73. Sandile
  74. Krokorok
  75. Krookodile
  76. Zorua
  77. Zoroark
  78. Emolga
  79. Foongus
  80. Amoonguss
  81. Mienfoo
  82. Mienshao
  83. Druddigon
  84. Bouffalant
  85. Larvesta
  86. Volcarona
  87. Fletchling
  88. Fletchinder
  89. Talonflame
  90. Skrelp
  91. Dragalge
  92. Clauncher
  93. Clawitzer
  94. Dedenne
  95. Klefki
  96. Rockruff
  97. Lycanroc
  98. Fomantis
  99. Lurantis
  100. Comfey
  101. Sandyghast
  102. Palossand
  103. Magearna

2. The Crown Tundra

Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass include the Crown Tundra

The Crown Tundra is a vast, mountainous tundra south of the Galar region. It’s home to many Pokémon that aren’t found in the northern part of the Galar mainland, and it features a number of new characters, unique challenges, and special items! Additionally, many Legendary Pokémon call the Crown Tundra home!

The Crown Tundra is an area of particular interest to many Pokémon researchers due to its high concentration of Dynamax energy and the prevalence of many Legendary Pokémon. When you arrive at the Crown Tundra, you’ll quickly join a research expedition headed by Pokémon Researcher Peony. Peony tasks you with leading the exploration of the far reaches of the Crown Tundra, where you’ll discover frozen secrets and brand-new Pokémon.

The Crown Tundra adds a new advanced challenge for players who’ve already beaten the main game: the Galarian Star Tournament, which features high level battles against trainers from earlier in the game.

Additionally, The Crown Tundra features Dynamax Adventures, a special feature that allows trainers to borrow teams of rental Pokémon and explore Pokémon Dens with friends or NPCs to battle and catch rare and legendary Dynamax Pokémon.

The Crown Tundra also adds new Legendary Pokémon, new Gigantamax Forms, and new Galar Forms, along with a long list of returning Pokémon.

  1. New Legendary Pokémon
  2. Regieleki
  3. Regidrago
  4. Glastrier
  5. Spectrier
  6. Calyrex
  1. New Galar Forms
  2. Galarian Articuno
  3. Galarian Zapdos
  4. Galarian Moltres
  5. Galarian Slowking
  1. Returning Pokémon
  2. Nidoran ♀
  3. Nidorina
  4. Nidoqueen
  5. Nidoran ♂
  6. Nidorino
  7. Nidoking
  8. Zubat
  9. Golbat
  10. Jynx
  11. Electabuzz
  12. Magmar
  13. Omanyte
  14. Omastar
  15. Kabuto
  16. Kabutops
  17. Aerodactyl
  18. Articuno
  19. Zapdos
  20. Moltres
  21. Dratini
  22. Dragonair
  23. Dragonite
  24. Crobat
  25. Smoochum
  26. Elekid
  27. Magby
  28. Raikou
  29. Entei
  30. Suicune
  31. Lugia
  32. Ho-Oh
  33. Treecko
  34. Grovyle
  35. Sceptile
  36. Torchic
  37. Combusken
  38. Blaiziken
  39. Mudkip
  40. Marshtomp
  41. Swampert
  42. Aron
  43. Lairon
  44. Aggron
  45. Swablu
  46. Altaria
  47. Lileep
  48. Cradily
  49. Anorith
  50. Armaldo
  51. Absol
  52. Spheal
  53. Sealeo
  54. Walrein
  55. Relicanth
  56. Bagon
  57. Shelgon
  58. Salamence
  59. Beldum
  60. Metang
  61. Metagross
  62. Regirock
  63. Regice
  64. Registeel
  65. Latias
  66. Latios
  67. Kyogre
  68. Groudon
  69. Rayquaza
  70. Spiritomb
  71. Gible
  72. Gabite
  73. Garchomp
  74. Electivire
  75. Magmortar
  76. Uxie
  77. Mesprit
  78. Azelf
  79. Dialga
  80. Palkia
  81. Heatran
  82. Regigigas
  83. Giratina
  84. Cresselia
  85. Victini
  86. Audino
  87. Tirtouga
  88. Carracosta
  89. Archen
  90. Archeops
  91. Cryogonal
  92. Tornadus
  93. Thundurus
  94. Landorus
  95. Genesect
  96. Tyrunt
  97. Tyrantrum
  98. Amaura
  99. Aurorus
  100. Carbink
  101. Xerneas
  102. Yveltal
  103. Zygarde
  104. Diancie
  105. Volcanion
  106. Tapu Koko
  107. Tapu Lele
  108. Tapu Bulu
  109. Tapu Fini
  110. Nihilego
  111. Buzzwole
  112. Phermosa
  113. Xurkitree
  114. Celesteela
  115. Kartana
  116. Guzzlord
  117. Poipole
  118. Naganadel
  119. Stakataka
  120. Blacephalon

What is the difference between Sword and Shield Expansion Pass?

Pokémon Sword and Shield each have their own Expansion Pass in the Nintendo Switch eShop, so make sure you purchase the correct one for your version of the game!

Difference between Sword and Shield Expansion Pass

The Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass costs $30 USD / £27.

Key Differences - Isle of Armor

  1. Pokémon Sword
  2. Klara will be your new rival on the Isle of Armor. She prefers Poison-type Pokémon.
  3. These Pokémon will only appear in Pokémon Sword: Clauncher, Clawitzer, and Pinsir
  4. Pokémon Shield
  5. Avery will be your new rival on the Isle of Armor. She prefers Psychic-type Pokémon.
  6. These Pokémon will only appear in Pokémon Shield: Skrelp, Dragalge, and Heracross.

Key Differences - Crown Tundra

  1. Pokémon Sword
  2. These Pokémon will only appear in Pokémon Sword: Omanyte, Omastar, Bagon, Shelgon, Salamence, Latios, Groudon, Dialga, Tornadus, Reshiram, Xerneas, Solgaleo, Ho-Oh
  3. Pokémon Shield
  4. These Pokémon will only appear in Pokémon Shield: Kabuto, Kabutops, Gible, Gabite, Garchomp, Latias, Kyogre, Palkia, Thundurus, Zekrom, Yveltal, Lunala, Lugia


  1. The new Legendary Pokémon Kubfoo is one of a short list of legendary Pokémon capable of evolution. Kubfoo evolves into Urshifu upon completion of either the Tower of Water or the Tower of Darkness. If the player completes the Tower of Darkness, Kubfoo will evolve into Urshifu (Single Strike Style), a Fighting/Dark type that learns the move Wicked Blow. If the player completes the Tower of Water, Kubfoo will evolve into Urshifu (Rapid Strike Style), a Fighting/Water type that learns the move Surging Strikes.
  1. The new Legendary Pokémon Glastrier, Spectrier, and Calryex have a special fusion mechanic. If the player uses the Reigns of Unity item on Glastrier and Calyrex, the two Pokémon will fuse to become Ice Rider Calyrex, a Psychic/Ice type Pokémon that learns the move Glacial Lance. If the player uses the Reigns of Unity item on Spectrier and Calyrex, the two Pokémon will fuse to become Shadow Rider Calyrex, a Psychic/Ghost type Pokémon that learns the move Astral Barrage.
  1. Players can access The Crown Tundra even if they lose to Peony. This allows players to access Dynamax Adventures and capture high-level Legendary Pokémon before even challenging the first gym.

Final Words

The Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass packs lots of awesome content in a never-before-seen format for the Pokémon franchise! Pick up the Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass on the Nintendo eShop to discover a host of new characters, Pokémon, and items today!

Enjoy exploring!

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